Water is an essential part of life and almost every living being needs water to survive. However, sometimes the water we drink can be deadly due to harmful contaminates that have made their way into our drinking glasses.
Human and Animal Fecal Waste in the Water
Some contaminants that are found in drinking water would include cryptosporidium, which stems from human and fecal animal waste and can cause gastrointestinal illness, arsenic which stems from glass and electronics production waste and can cause death, cadmium which stems from discharge from metal refineries and also runoff from batteries, and which has been known to cause kidney damage.
Chemicals and Cancer
Even some of the many chemicals added to the water that are supposed to protect us have their dangers, such as bromate, which increases our risk of cancer. Another is total trihalomethanes, which can cause liver, kidney or central nervous problems as well as cancer just to name a few. ( Contaminants in drinking water )
The Dangers of Fluoride
Another chemical added to our drinking water which has caused a great debate recently is fluoride. In 1945, in Grand Rapids, Michigan the first bit of fluoride was intentionally added to the water supply in hopes of easing dental conditions ( Water Quality ). The trend grew and is now practiced throughout the United States as well as other developed countries.
Fluoride as an additive in water has caused a debate because some independent studies, not associated with the dental community, have suggested that it can lower IQs in children, can cause cancer, can alter the structure and strength of bones, and can also cause birth defects with a higher rate of Down’s Syndrome in some areas. It can also possibly cause many other adverse effects. Most importantly is that it has been proven to be less effective as once thought. ( Fluoridation / Fluoride )
Deadly Herbicides and Pesticides
Other chemicals that contaminate our drinking water stem from agricultural herbicides. Every year farmers pour approximately 150 million pounds of herbicides into their crops. Due to rain, much of the herbicides are drained into the drinking water. The manufacturer’s own laboratory studies show that these five herbicides cause nine different types of cancer, various birth defects, and heritable genetic mutations. None of these herbicides are removed by the conventional drinking water treatment technologies that are used by more than 90 percent of all water utilities in the U.S.” ( Cornell University )
Frog Mutations
Frogs have been showing genetic mutations as a result of pesticides. Atrazine, which is found in most weed killers, has been linked to this mutation in frogs yet the Environmental Protection Agency allows some amounts of this chemical in our drinking water. Some mutations in frogs include extra or missing legs
Environmental Protection
We as citizens will never be able to rid the drinking water of all contaminates, but we can band together as one and demand that less pesticides be sprayed or that an alternative method of protecting the crops us used. we can recycle as much as possible and properly dispose of motor oil and don’t just empty it down a drain. Those are just a few of the many proactive measures that can be taken, but for more information on ways to become involved, one could contact the Environmental Protection Agency either by phone or through its website .
Contaminants in drinking water
Cornell University
Fluoridation / Fluoride
Water Quality