The Different Types of Vaginal Infections

There are several different causes of vaginal infections and differentiating the cause is vital as the wrong treatment can often greatly increase symptoms. Vaginitis is the term used to describe the inflammation of the vagina and is the most frequent symptom of a vaginal infections. It is important to note that an allergic reaction or other irritation can also cause vaginitis but is not technically a vaginal infection. While there are many different types of vaginal infections caused by different organisms, many of the symptoms are shared by all. These include burning and swelling of the vagina, itching, pain during intercourse and finally almost all infections result in a discharge. These symptoms are used to determine that you have a vaginal infection, but the important part of the diagnosis is determining which organism is the culprit so that the proper treatment can be given.

Yeast infections are caused by a group of organisms named Candida. The symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include all of the normal vaginal infection symptoms; swelling of the vagina, itching, painful intercourse and a discharge is present. Yeast infections differ from other vaginal infections in that the vagina becomes intensely red and irritated, and the discharge is a white, milky color with the consistence of cottage cheese. The most frequent cause of a yeast infection is the use of antibiotics. This is because in a healthy vagina, bacteria and yeast are at constant war. While both are present in the vagina, the battle they fight against each other keeps them from flourishing and causing any symptoms. When antibiotics are taken, the bacteria is destroyed and the yeast flourishes. Two other frequent causes of yeast infections include badly controlled diabetes and use of BCP (birth control pill). If you see a doctor regarding a vaginal infection, make sure you mention that you are on antibiotics, bcp or have diabetes as these will increase the chances of a successfull treatment.

Bacterial vaginal infections are usually caused when bacterial normally found in the vagina is able to penetrate the outer layers of the vagina and infect the inner tissue. A frequent cause of this is sexual activity without proper lubrication. Bacterial infections are also commonly caused when bacteria not normally found in the vagina are introduced into the vagina, most often this bacteria comes from feces and is introduced during improper wiping with toilet paper. Bacterial vaginal infections display all the normal symptoms of a vaginal infections, and is characterized by painful urination, a fishy, watery discharge, and the vagina feels sore in spots, rather than a generalized itching or burning.

Parasitic infections are another type of common cause for vaginal infections and vaginitis. The most common cause of a parasitic vaginal infection is through sexual activity. The two most common parasites responsible for vaginal infections are Trichomonis and Chlamydia. These infections are much more serious since they are easily spread to others during sexual activity. These parastic vaginal infections are characterized by a frothy, green disharge and lower abdominal pain.

When visiting a physician for a vaginal infection, it is important to be honest about your activities leading up the infection as these can assure an accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment. In most cases, the treatment is easily administered and quick acting. However, in the absence of a proper diagnosis, a wrong treatment can greatly prolong the problem and intensify the symptoms.

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