The Importance of Math in School

The Importance of Math in School

The formal definition of mathematics, as given by Webster’s Dictionary, is the science of numbers and their operations, interrelations, combinations, generalizations, and abstractions. Math goes even farther beyond this rather limited definition. Math is more than a science of numbers. It requires a certain type of mindset to be able understand its underlying themes and concepts. In many ways, math is a unique skill that can take years or even a lifetime to master.

We study math for a variety of reasons. Math is a passage to understanding many other subjects. In a broad sense, it forms the basis of many of the sciences, such as physics and astronomy. Math also allows for advancement in technology. Things ranging from the hydrogen bomb to compact discs would not have been possible to build without knowledge of math. We also depend on math in everyday life. Math helps us balance our checkbooks, pay our taxes, and even tip waiters at restaurants. Because math is such a big part of our lives, society deems it a worthy subject to study. Consequently, children all over the world are required to learn it. But, we do not only teach children math for math’s sake. Math also teaches children important problem solving skills that they can apply to other aspects of their lives. Math can teach children to think in a logical manner. In essence, it helps them view and analyze things in a more sophisticated way.

To “know” math means that a student has learned and mastered the mathematical skills needed to find a solution to a particular problem. Often, these skills take a long time to perfect. When a new aspect of mathematical skill is learned, it must be applied many times in order for it to be completely understood. This is one of the drawbacks to learning math. It can seem rather tedious to work out hundreds of addition or subtraction problems. This, however, is a necessary step in order to clearly understand the math behind the problems.

In order to facilitate students’ learning of mathematics, a teacher should have a thorough knowledge of the basic skills of math and the underlying concepts of those skills. It is important to have the knowledge to teach children addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, fractions, etc. Also, the teacher needs to communicate this knowledge in a clear and informative manner. In addition, the ability to make learning fun and worthwhile is also crucial. If the teacher can make the students want to learn math at a young age, math will be less intimidating and more enjoyable for them as they continue to study it in later grades. It is a challenge to help students overcome their frustrations, but at the same time it is a necessary effort because of the important role math plays in the world.

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