The Katana Sword

A katana sword is a long sword worn by a samurai warrior. The samurai were the only people in Japan who carried two swords, a short one between twelve and twenty-four inches in length called a wakizashi and a long one, the katana. A katana is the sword that we imagine when we think of a samurai sword, with a sharp curved point.

Sword making in Japan is a spiritual art, the original sword smiths Amakuni and his son Amakura. They were inspired by the Shinto gods and by prayer and inspiration developed a sword that would not break in battle. Swords of excellent quality were made in Japan as long ago as four thousand years ago, but the sword known as the katana dates back to about the 1400s.

The method of making a real katana is the same as the previous sword. It is a soft core that gives flexibility to the grass, surrounded by a complex steel, sharp rather than razor-like. Despite legends to the contrary, there are no plants that are folded more than twenty times. The process was closely guarded and forging involved many blades at the same time, with just the tip of the blade or the iron being used at different stages of the process.

By making plates they were proved to be on corpses or condemned criminals. The results of these tests are recorded on the nakago, a plate that attaches to the iron handle. The iron itself is often richly engraved and a name is put on it. He added good carving on the shoulder to create a distinctive whistling of steel through the air. The carving would be done on the tang or hidden part of the plant. This is more firmly attached to the wood of the coffee, and is known as the aged iron ell. Touching a katana should never be cleaned.

Once attached to a wooden, or sometimes metal, coffee cup, it is often decorated with a bamboo cup wrapped around a nail and a sticky utility knot. A specific sheath is made for the blade.

The katana sword evolved from the weapons already in use, especially the long cavalry sword known as the tachi. The military movement from cavalry to infantry, inspired by the Mongolian war, prompted the development of the katana short sword. Mucrone’s relatively short katana was easier to carry and draw than the longer blades of the previous tachi. It’s even easier to use a nearby one.

The katana is carried on the belt of the military uniform, primarily in the front line, providing the draw and use of the blade in one motion. They are typically about twenty-four inches in length, or a little longer.

A pair of swords worn by a samurai is known as a daisho, and they reflect the personal power and honor of each samurai. The two parts of the daisho are often bought separately, or even bought together they would not necessarily have been adjusted to the state. /a>. For this reason, any matching pair from previous eras is extremely valuable today, especially if they have original jewelry.

Samurai swords were thought to have their souls and spirits. The sword was considered the source of the spirit of the samurai warrior. Samurai were the highest social class in Japan from the middle ages until quite recently. The wearing of swords by samurai in public ceased in the late 1800s.

The Samurai Code of Conduct has two parts, the Way of the Bow and Horse, and the Way of the Warrior, which is called Bushido. Bushido placed great importance on honor and included the handling and honor of weapons, including the katana. Samurai were known to sacrifice themselves to save the shogun’s sword.

The old katanas that survive today are national treasures in Japan, treated with the same reverence and respect as they were originally. Traditional craft methods were kept alive by the Gassan line of craftsmen, which is now known as a national treasure. This world war couple was forbidden to manufacture this plate, but the personal intervention of Dr. Homma Junji with Douglas General MacArthur led to the art let me live It has been estimated since 1958 in America that the katana was more authentic than the soldiers in Japan.

Dr. Homma established a society to protect and promote the art of ancient sword making and success in making real katanas. by traditional methods are still available, but it is more common to see a cheaper mass-produced katana in use at a martial arts show or for sale on the Internet.


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