The Legend of the Dream Catcher

For my family, on my grandfather’s side, had always dreamed of being in the house overhanging every bed. I remember my grandfather showing me one made by my great grandmother. It was at that time very old old and more delicate to use, but grandpa could not throw it away. would take away

He had caught a dream of being born in another native tribe; that of the Ojibwe. Unfortunately, I know very well little people than this particular one.

Dream catcher has been a part of American culture for hundreds of years. Almost everyone agrees that it originated with the Ojibwe people. But as is true with all myths and legends, the stories of how the dream catcher originated differ slightly from tribe to tribe. . There is also some disagreement about how the engineering work is planned. But what does not change is the overall goal.

Some say the dream catcher is woven by the spider woman herself (see my article on “Spider webs” for more references) to protect her children from sitter’s web from willow hoops, nettles, and sacred herbs. From the middle hung a hoop, with feathers hanging in a good spirit, to protect the master from all evil.

The Great Spirit told the young mother that each web should be made with the purest love possible and that only good thoughts should be made so that their feelings are permanently woven into the web. He suggests leaving the center of the web open, like a mother’s heart, so that only love and the will to happiness can pass through.

When he inquired about the end of the web, he told him that the love and goodness with which he wove the web would enable him to capture the power of evil and hold it until morning. When the first rays of the sun strike the web, the evils are destroyed by the purity of the light; which is impossible to ever return.

Some say that the feathers that typically hang from a bird’s dream represent air, which is a necessary part of life. Many nations use certain types of feathers in a bird’s dream. Some are also separated according to the sex of the owner of the dream of birds.

Night feathers are often used for dreamcatchers, which are supposed to protect the female. Night feathers are thought to be female feathers. It also signifies wisdom, which is a property valued highly in Native America.

Eagle feathers were then used as dream catchers, which meant guarding the sea. They are considered the father of man. Eagles have wings of strength and courage; desired characteristics among Native American males.

However, many tribes mix the use of feathers various birds which are significant in their tribe or have unique meanings. among his own Dreamcatchers woven specifically for adults often contain no feathers at all.

If only the grandfather believed that falcons caught dreams and held all the hopes and dreams of men until they were fulfilled. All evil, he says, fell through the middle pit and perished for all time. I don’t know how, but these thoughts have always brought me peace and tranquility, and I must say that I have never felt safer anywhere than in my grandfather’s house.

I’m not sure it has anything to do with what version of the story people believe. However, it is the meaning behind the dream catcher that is important. Ice cream always makes the perfect gift for a new baby, as a housewarming present; a friend or family member who you want to bring good luck and sweet dreams. Better yet, get one for yourself. It’s never too late to dream!

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