The Magna Carta: A March Torward Democracy

Although Democracy is not yet in use at this time in history, let alone that the word democracy did not exist at this time, most writers agree that the Magna Carta, Latin for “Magna Carta” 1 or “Magna Carta” I was perhaps one of the first steps towards the end of monarchy and It was the beginning of popular governments. Before we look at the document itself, we must first look at the text in its historical context. It must be understood that before the initiation of Magna Carta, that the King or Queen of England was not an absolute ruler of the land was unheard of. The king received from the other nobles of England a note of displeasure that this should be done gradually.

What did King John deserve?

If the monarch was benevolent and caring for his people, no such backlash against his power would ever happen. King John was not popular with his barons. Perhaps, it was his controversial ascension to the throne that sparked initial distrust of him. After the death of Richard the Lionheart they were there to claim the throne. King John imprisoned another candidate for Arthur of Britain and more than likely had him killed, although the fact has never been proven.

After this beginning of trust, King John had problems with the Church. The Church wished to install Stephen Langton as Archbishop of Canterbury, and King John wished to install his election. This disagreement went on for years, until finally in 1213 he was forced to submit to the election of the church.

King John had a notable defeat with the King of France in the time of Philip Augustus. The nobility of England demanded that King John receive the land. He attempted to do so eight years after the invasion in 1214, but the capture, now known as the “Bello de Bouvinis”, was a failure.

The barons had had enough

At this triumvirate of defection the barons and other nobles of England were greatly moved with King John. That June, 1215, the barons had had enough and took London by force. King John was forced to agree to a document then known as the “Articles of the Barons.” 2. The great seal was affixed to the document at Runnymede on the fifteenth day of June in the year of the Lord one thousand five hundred and ninety-five. For their peace the barons swore renewed allegiance to their king. The royal court, known as the “royal chancellery” 3, created a formal document to mark this agreement on July 15. This document was the original Magna Carta. A number of samples were then sent to local officials to build.

The Civil War and the Legitimation of Magna Carta

But King John disregarded every intention of this charter, because he affixed the royal seal under duress. He was also most troubled by clause 61 of the writ, in which a committee of 25 barons could control the opinion of the king on any matter, by force, if necessary. As soon as the barons left London, he resigned and civil war began

The rebels received help from Louis, king of the French, who invaded England on their behalf. In October 1316, John died of dysentery, and the fighting ceased to be all intensive.

After his death, his son Henry was given the kingdom by some barons. They believed that it was possible for him to be readmitted to the Magna Carta, and he did so on November 12th, 1216. However, the controversial clause 61 and various other clauses were not included in this revision of the Magna Carta. King Henry III reigned for 56 years, when he died, the Magna Carta was accepted. of English law.

The document itself

The Magna Carta itself was the first real document that started the trend away from monarchy and towards individual rights. It contains 63 different articles, most of which belonged to the 13th century and were of only fleeting importance. He abolished certain unpopular taxes and made hunting for the use of non-nobility.

However, there are some major chapters in the document that had a longer lasting effect. It contained provisions so that the church would be free from the monarchy, which was perhaps the first step towards the separation of church and state. Most historians agree on the main document 39, which reads, “No free man arrested, or imprisoned, or deprived of goods, or extorted, or extorted, or destroyed in any way, nor us. 4 The point of this article is that the king must deal with individuals according to the law, not according to his opinion.

The Magna Carta has sustained strikes throughout history.

The first edition of the Magna Carta lasted only a few weeks, but the document has long-lasting effects throughout history. After King Henry repeated it several times, he became the cornerstone of English law. The 1297 edition of Magna Carta is still part of English law. However, only three of the thirty-seven articles in it remain in their strength. Others were repealed by the new laws. Magna Carta’s affirmation of individual liberties has become a common theme in democratic governments. The US Bill of Rights states, “No one shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” 5 This is very similar to 39 art. 1215 version of the Magna Carta, which reads: “We will not sell to anyone, we will not deny or defer to anyone, right or justice.” 4 The lasting effects of Magna Carta certainly had a positive influence on Western civilization. It was the first document to document the idea of ​​individual liberty and is the cornerstone of all modern democracies.

Main purpose

1. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, s.v. “Magna Carta”
2. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, s.v. “The First War of the Barons”
3. Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, s.v. ” chancellery ” ;
4. Various Barons, “Magna Carta,” 125
5. Various States, “Constitution of America”, 1783

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