The Naked Truth About Erotic Tourism!

Joe and Mary have just arrived at their tropical Caribbean resort. They check in and then wait in the beautiful lobby until a staffer loads their bags on a golf cart and takes them to their room.

As they pull away from reception Mary notices that Joe has stopped talking. In fact he is not even looking at her. His eyes are locked on the pool twenty feet away. There the guests are swimming and laughing and while a lusty reggae song pulses. Soon they are forming a conga line and snaking in and around the chaise lounges and past the bar. It’s not long before they are right up to the golf cart, crossing in front, and then passing to the side as the golf cart continues. Not one of the men or women had a stitch of clothing on. The driver didn’t even seem to notice.

Mary and Joe have landed right in the middle of a growing trend in travel: the clothing optional one.

Sunbathing or Naturalism has always had its followers, but with the growth of the internet, following more liberal attitudes on sex and nudity, the naked vacation has come into its own.

Here are the bare essentials, and the differences between the “erotic vacation” and its less savory cousin, “sex tourism”.

There are companies that sell clothing optional trips, chartering entire planes; hotels that divide guests into “nudes” and “prudes”, and even contests that choose the best of the buff for men and women.

The question for some is whether this type of vacation can lead to sexual deviance or sexual assaults.

Most companies, such as Texas based Castaways Travel, which has operated “Clothing-Optional Cruises and Travel Worldwide”, since 1984, present its vacation options much like any other vacation company, and retain an image of legitimacy. In fact, Castaway Travel advises those who don’t want to bare it all that they can contact their parent travel company, Fox Travel, which is an American Express Representative office.

Castaway Travel lists hotels in Jamaica, Mexico, the Caribbean and even the United States that allow nudity. An entire page on the Castaways Travel site answers questions the first time or shyer nude traveler might have about shedding it all, and the behavior expected. Questions addressed include what to do if you are male and get aroused, and concerns about “that time of month”. Also, the “S” word is addressed. Castaway admits that “public sex” is hard to control after a few exotic drinks mixed with a beautiful setting. Some hotels forbid it and some are okay with it. Tips include leaving the camera at home and not gawking at your fellow nudes, no matter if you find the body beautiful or repugnant.

Years ago, Club Med, founded in 1950, had an early reputation for being the place to go for swinging singles. Over the years Club Med changed its marketing and began to appeal to more sedate travelers and to families. Other companies soon filled the void.

Two of the more popular clothing only resorts are HedonismII and Hedonism III, in Jamaica. These are owned by the SuperClubs chain of resorts. The names says it all. Hedonism III, especially, seems to have honed the art of erotic vacations, featuring such “Hedonistic Delights” as a Titillating Manicure/Pedicure”, a “Tantra-Lizing Kit for Two”, and a “Mint Chocolate Seduction”. But more of a draw are the famous toga parties, foam dances and the slide that shoots nudes past those enjoying a bite to eat.

A relative newcomer to the clothing optional is the Desire Resorts, with locations in the Rivera Maya (south of Cancun) and Los Cabos. Mexico, until recently, didn’t embrace this type of erotic tourism. Mexico is largely Catholic country, and as little as 10 years ago it was rare to find even the topless resort. As competition has increased in Mexico and worldwide individual and chain hotels looked for something to set them apart. So they set the clothing apart. It has been a success in Mexico, saving some hotels from going under and initiating the building of new properties. The house rules at Desire Resorts urges guests to not do any “overt” sexual acts in public and to, once again, leave the cameras at home.

What about those who want to romp naked closer to home?

In the United States there has been “nudist” camps for decades. Most are in rural areas but within driving distance of major meto areas. Often these camps stress their family programs. Single men are not usually encouraged to join as members at these camps. One of the better know camps is the Ponderosa Sun Club, Roselawn, Indiana. The Ponderosa Sun Club describes itself as a “friendly, warm, relaxing place to visit….” It has been welcoming naked guests since 1965. One of the highlights of the Ponderosa’s summer season is the annual “Nudes-A-Poppin”, which is, according to the Ponderosa’s web site, the longest running outdoor nude beauty pageant. Celebrity visitors in 2007 included Ron Jeremy, adult film superstar, Mary Carey, adult film star and California political candidate (only in California). Also attending was Gene Simmons of KISS rock group and famously long tongue fame, and Verne Troyner –a/k/a “Mini- Me”.

There is really no proof that the growth of these type of “erotic vacations” encourage deviant behavior and dangerous and exploitative behavior that is “sex tourism.

Rather, it is travel to destinations such as Amsterdam and Thailand and others that seems to encourage exploitation. Western travelers to third world countries seeking sex increases the demand for so-called “sex workers. Many times these sex workers are underage girls and boys. Often times they are sold by their families or kidnapped to service the increasing demand.

There is little incentive in most countries to stave off the growing tide of sex vacationers. In the case of third world countries the Western visitors bring in badly needed hard currency. It doesn’t matter that many of the sex workers are held against their will. The money spent by sex vacationers on the hotel and food and other services is just too enticing. Officials and families alike officially and unofficially ignore the issue.

There is a big spread between the Castaway Travel and Hedonism type trips and the sex vacationers that are doing nothing more than hooking up with prostitutes. Some believe that one will lead to the other, but there is no empirical evidence that the “swinging” resorts are the start of a slippery slide to sexploitation.

The truth about erotic tourism is that is makes money. Tons of money. No surprise here. The naked truth is that government officials worldwide, including in the United States and Europe, have more to lose from curtailing any type of erotic and sex tourism, because the bottom line and the naked bottoms means happy hotel operators and big tax receipts.


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