The Natural Causes of Global Warming

Global warming means that the overall temperature of the earth is changing and getting to be warmer than it was before. The change in temperature can be a result of natural causes of global warming and those which are caused by humans. The gases that are natural causes of global warming are also called “greenhouse gases.” Although the gases are one of the natural causes of global warming, humans add to them by deteriorating the ozone layer and burning too many fossil fuels.

Natural Cause Of Global Warming Through The Ages

Dinosaurs lived in what we today know as the colder areas of the Earth. This is mainly the Northwest part of the United States. This shows natural causes of global warming have changed the earth since then. Some states we now see as hot states were once covered in water, this shows that natural causes of global warming have occurred.

The scientific explanations of the natural causes of global warming through history are included in the following:

1. The sun spots are exploding -raising the heat
2. Large eruptions in the major volcanoes on the earth – increasing gases and damaging plants
3. The orbit the Earth takes has changed – movement to or from the sun
4. The Earth is different when compared to how it sits near the sun -changes the temperature up or down
5. Meteors caused explosions as they made contact with the Earth – who knows?

Truthfully, the natural causes of global warming are a result of the changes in the Earth itself. It is constantly changing and in an evolutionary state. There is evidence to suggest that even without the intervention of human involvement, global warming would probably be occurring anyways.

What’s The Conclusion?

I suppose the best way to figure out what the natural causes of global warming are is to evaluate our own part as humans in this. As we use up our natural resources, which are a part of the natural causes of global warming, we tend to change our environment around us. If we all would take a few minutes to stop and look at our own actions, the natural causes of global warming might be put into perspective. The Earth will always change because of the natural causes of global warming but, that does not mean we should give it a boost.

Scientists too need to change their evaluation methods. Certainly, there is a lot of evidence that the planet is getting warmer and that the ozone layer is depreciating, but many scientists do not support too much investigation into humanity’s impact on global warming. Many still look at global warming as a phenomenon that may or may not be occurring! If they refuse to accept that something is indeed occurring, then it will be much too late to change anything. Regardless of whether global warming is happening or not, we as a species must take action to save the planet.

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