The One-Hour Weight Loss and Strength Training Workout

Since I was hired as a personal trainer with no experience, no credentials, no supervisors, no peers and two hours to prepare a group exercise class between 3-12 people who ranged in age from their mid-twenties to their sixties. At the previous club where I worked, the exercise group instructor just put the numbers on the machines and the trainers, lifting for one minute and resting for one minute, doing two sets of twelve stations each.

This set seemed boring, and I wanted to make it my fitness workout, so I created a class set to meet the needs of as many people as possible, challenging each one in their own way. I’m a strong believer in class and I believe that this form of exercise provides good form for people looking to get a good workout in under an hour. In my class, men and women in their twenties and their grandmothers do essentially the same workout.

The class is based on intervals, a popular training method that challenges athletes to train at a higher intensity. Rather than running an 8:00 mile, for example, an athlete runs four 400m sprints at 90% intensity and rests between sets, typically at a 3:1 rest to work ratio, depending on the athlete’s training goals.

To make the workout efficient, I combined intervals with the basic concepts of circuit training (going from one exercise to the next with minimal rest) and supersets (opposite back muscle working more than resting) to eliminate “arm” time. The average person (and by average I mean the person I watched at the gym today) walks into the gym and doesn’t warm up; perform 8-10 repetitions for 3 sets and rest for one to three minutes between sets. In an hour, he does 3 shifts of 3-4 exercises and ignores warm-ups, cool-downs and cardio.

The perfect Hour-Long Workout excludes all others and keeps the heart elevated for an entire hour, increasing caloric burn and work rate. muscle groups rest and without losing opportunities to recover in time.

The Perfect Hour-Long Workout is based around a spinning cycle, physioball and dumbbells. However, the option can be used to adapt the gym to their needs.

3:00 to stand
1:00 Lower Body Exercise
Upper Body Exercise
1:00 Head Exercise

that is the basics. Physically it is useful for some upper body lifts and core and you don’t have to twist weights with dumbbells. It is easy to use the cycler and the resistance can be increased and decreased easily. But a rowing machine or jumping rope would be equally effective. The biggest key is the equipment that you can stick to yourself, the least amount of time and effort is spent in the gym, there were bicycle racks in an open area where one can take a physioball and dumbbells and do a workout without stopping.

The key to an effective spinning workout is to increase and decrease the intensity. In each segment of 3:00, I used the first third as a warm-up, the second third to do the work (increase the resistance, stand, accelerate), the third third I used until the individual; they could return to work at a steady pace. Thus, the way the group worked became individualized and people remained available, while the continuous challenge was to increase the capacity of the workforce.

According to researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, runners who interval-training”>interval training improved their 30k time trial they did. who did long 90 to 120 minute rides: 12 minutes all sprints = 10.5 hours of cycling, according to the study. “The practical message is that interval-type training can be effective for the general public,” says Martin Gibala, PhD, the study’s researcher. According to Gibala, sprinting increases the body’s production of citrate synthase, an enzyme that helps muscles use oxygen (Mens Health , p.60).

In addition, “a variable pace, like you would on a treadmill, burns more calories than a steady pace,” reports Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. For a rider trying to lose weight, spinning classes can help faster,” says study author Jie Kang, PhD, College New Jersey (Men’s Salvation, p. 60).

The basic lifts were on the big muscles train first and work on the smaller muscle groups. During 1:00, participants vary between 10-25 repetitions, depending on strength, weight and experience.

Lower body exercises including variations of squats, lunges, leg raises, deadlifts and calf raises. Upper body major muscle group exercises with physioball bench press, bent over row, shoulder press, lateral raise; bent over, bent over, biceps, curled up, lying down, triceps, extension, and so on. Core exercises included physioball crunches, bicycles, V-ups, planks, side planks and more.

Through these exercises you will be able to complete a full workout with maximum efficiency in under an hour.


  • Men’s Health September 2005

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