The Secession Movement in Vermont

That question may not have occurred to many people, but tourists in the lovely Green Mountain State who pick up the usual batch of tourist brochures and local newspapers may be surprised, as they begin to read some of them, that there have been people seriously suggesting just that for some time now.

The Second Vermont Republic.
The group called the Second Vermont Republic provides background to the movement. Their goal is “the return of Vermont to its status as an independent republic, and more broadly to the dissolution of the Union.” The group believes that Vermont can sustain itself with their “small, clean, green sustainable, socially responsible towns…” They believe in shared power, and are opposed to any violence or military conscription. The involvement of the United States in the war in Iraq is a significant issue.

The movement in Vermont is called the Second Republic based their years as a free state lasting from their secession from the British Empire in 1777 until 1791. During that time, Vermont had a constitution prohibiting slavery, its own currency, postal service, roads, militia, and developed its own foreign relations. Vermont had prolonged land battles with New York, as well as some later with New Hampshire, and had significant concerns about protecting its rights.

Vermont is close to Canada.
There was actually some discussion of Vermont becoming part of Canada before it signed the United States Constitution as the fourteenth state in1791. Their proximity to Canada was an ongoing issue, as Vermont citizens continued to trade with Canada, even after an embargo was declared in 1808. These actions created problems for Thomas Jefferson’s federal government. Tourists today turning on the television in a hotel or motel in Quebec may forget they have left Vermont, as many of the English speaking stations are Vermont stations.

During the War of 1812, the governor of Vermont at one point ordered the state militia to return home from New York to protect the Vermont. The militia balked at leaving, but they did, but then soon returned to New York to fight bravely again. It should be noted that Governor Chittenden did not win the next election. Vermont was strongly opposed to slavery and sent soldiers to fight for the union in the Civil War. The state had been involved in the underground railway.

A statewide convention on independence.
The history of the recent movement includes public debates in some town meetings for Vermont’s bicentennial in 1991 where they report a vote of 999 for secession and 608 opposed. The Vermont Commons publication and website was begun in 2003, and in 2005 a statewide convention on the topic was held with about 300 attending. Many people are only aware of the independent nature of the Vermont voter when town hall meetings are televised in national elections. Vermont is not the only state with a history of secessionist movements, as others, such as Texas, have had some serious groups considering such actions.

Vermont is a lovely state, with many historic sites, lovely towns, and warm friendly people. The scenic highways are perfect for a leisurely road trip, but there’s no need to rush. And there is no need to think you will need a passport to visit in the near future.

Source: Personal experience. The Vermont secessionist website and publications are the also the source of some of this information.


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