The Supreme 90 Day Workout: A Results Oriented Program That Really Works

I have just completed the Supreme 90 Day workout and I can honestly say that it is a great program. The trainer is Tom Holland and the it uses 11 videos of varying difficulty which all yield wonderful results. There is also a diet plan, which I did not follow completely, but rather followed the general guidelines of “clean eating.

This program is great for everyone because the only thing that you have to do is simply give 100% every time you exercise. That is something anyone can do.

I had not really lifted weights much before doing this program and I weighed 162 pounds when I started, and stood 5’10.5′. Now upon completion, I have gained approximately 30 pounds, while still fitting into all the same clothes. I even grew a 1/2 inch to 5’11”.

This program builds tons of lean muscle, and when it says that it will rev up your metabolism it is telling the god’s honest truth. The videos are not that long, ranging from 28:22 to 56:38, with only one video over 45:07, making it very time-friendly, but also furthering the importance of giving your best every time you workout. While I will be the first to admit that some of these videos can get extremely repetitive, with the warm up (same in 10 of 11 videos) and the cool down (same in all videos) especially, they are well worth it. Another great thing about it is that all of these videos work your core, so for people like me, who would not normally work their core, it gets that much needed exercise.

This program can be found online for $12.49 and is certainly a good buy. Now a review of each video:

All Warm Ups are 4:19 (except Tabata Inferno) and all Cool Downs are 5:57. Next to each routine are two times separated by a slash. The first time is the time spent performing the exercise portion of the video, with the final one representing the total time spent.

Chest and Back: 22:14/32:30, This video is the intro video. It involves moves of varying difficulty, such as rows and push ups. The last move is very intense, as it involves doing a push up, with dumbbells in your hands and rowing them up, in a compound movement.

Ultimate Ball: 30:33/40:49, This video is probably the easiest one and is basically a complete core routine. While it may be the easiest one, all of these videos can be made more difficult, by simply trying to use better form and perform the movement better. Every move involves the use of a stability ball. If you do not have a stability ball or just don’t have the balance to use one, you can simply do the moves without the ball.

Tabata Inferno: 37:45/43:42, While this program yields great results, it does not come without a price. If you are like me, and not a cardio fan this video can be a nightmare. It involves doing many intense moves, for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. You repeat this for a 4-minute round, followed by a 1-minute rest, before repeating it, and performing seven rounds in total. I found this video to be so difficult, I celebrated on day 74, after completing it for the final time.

Shoulders and Arms: 32:49/43:05, I found “Shoulders and Arms” to be a very difficult, but very good workout. I never worked my arms and my shoulders together, in such a way. This video uses compound movements, as well as singular ones, to work your biceps, triceps and shoulders. I have even taken some of the moves from this video and have incorporated them into my own side weightlifting routine. Not an easy video, but definitely a rewarding one

Cardio Challenge: 31:06/41:22, Unlike Tabata Inferno, even for someone like me, who does not enjoy cardio, this routine is plenty bearable. It involves many cardio moves, using weights to make them more difficult. During this video, you perform 30 seconds of intense exercise, followed by 30 seconds of rest. That rest period is extremely valuable, as it allows you to be able to exert yourself for the entire time you do the program.

Legs: 22:51/33:07, Legs was one of my least favorite videos, but that is because I am someone who does not enjoy working their legs, but used extremely heavy weights anyway, in an attempt to get the best possible results. This routine consists of very difficult leg exercises, continuously, followed by a second circuit of the same exercises. You pick a weight that will challenge you and may vary it, based on the exercises.

Total Body: 23:17/33:33, Total Body, is not one of my favorite exercise videos, but is by no means terrible. It consists of two strength moves and one cardio move, per circuit, with the exception of the beginning core circuit and the final circuit. It strength trains your legs, back, shoulders, chest, and more. Some of the cardio moves involved are: Plyometric Push ups, Jump Lunges, Jump Squats, and Broad Jumps. This DVD is very tiring, mainly because you are using heavy weights and following it up immediately with cardio.

Core Dynamics: 18:06/28:22, Core Dynamics is an intense core program, much more intense than its counterpart, Ultimate Ball. While I do not enjoy this video, it does its job. It is only four circuits long, in which you complete different core exercises, for 30 seconds each, with 45 seconds rest following each circuit.

Back and Bis: 46:22/56:38, Back and Bis is by far the longest of the Supreme 90 Day videos, but is in no way excessive. This is a good routine, which tests both your back and biceps to the limit. Again, that is if you use weights, that challenge you to the limit.

Chest, Shoulders, and Tris: 34:51/45:07, Chest, Shoulders and Tris is another challenging video, but rewarding none the less. It will test every one of those muscles and uses different tools, to do so. It involves weights of varying size, as well as the use of a stability ball, to maximize your results.

The Supreme 90 Day program is based completely on the idea of muscle confusion, which expedites results, because your body never knows what to expect. You will get a calendar upon purchasing this program, which tells you exactly which program to do, on that given day. They even have some built-in rest days, which are wonderful for two reasons: fatigue and breaking up the monotony. Supreme 90 also has another added benefit in that with the pace these videos use you get an added cardio benefit. With the speed you are forced to complete the exercise in and jump to the next one, you will be worked in a way, that resembles a cross-fit experience, but with tremendous muscle building potential.

While this program will get incredibly boring by about day 45, it is well worth it. Finishing a program of this magnitude is something anyone should be proud of. There is a tremendous mental benefit to finishing, as well as the obvious physical benefits. I recommend this program to you, without a shadow of a doubt.

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