The Top Ten Fat Burning Foods

If you want to see a major change in your metabolism, a sure way is to change the foods you eat. Of course it takes other things to boots the metabolism especially if you live a sedentary lifestyle. But, a great way to jump start your metabolism is by making the top ten fat burning foods a regular part of your diet.

Adding fat burning foods to your diet will not require a major expense, nor will it require a drastic change. Simply being educated about what the different foods do, and their reaction on the metabolism, will allow you to make wise choices about your diet.

One of the most common foods and one of the top ten fat burning foods are foods from the citrus group. Oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits, are all ideal dietary supplements to increase ones metabolism due to their ability to burn fat.

The old saying about an apple a day may not keep the doctor away, but it will for certain assist the body in the reduction of fat cells. Actually the pectin in the peel of the apple has the ability to place limitation on cells in terms of the amount of fat absorbed, as well as encourage the release of fat deposits through its water binding property.

For the salad lovers one of the perfect solutions to reduce fat deposits, enjoy a fat free salad, and absorb a natural anti-biotic, is garlic oil. Available at most health foods stores quite inexpensively, garlic oil is very easy to find.

For foods of substance in the top ten fat burning food group, certain vegetables are an excellent source. Asparagus a very popular and well-loved vegetable not only has a fat burning property by the name of asparagine, it also helps to reduce levels of fat, and stimulates the circulatory system.

Number five on the list is beets, which can be served as part of a salad cold, or warm with an entrée. Beets contain a diuretic that has the propensity to help eliminate fat from the system. Beets also contains a stimulant in the form of chlorine which assist in the flushing out process.

The next item of the top ten fat burning foods is cabbage. Yes we all remember the cabbage diet. Diets require balance so as not to throw the body in shock, so incorporate cabbage into your diet, don’t make it your diet. Cabbage contains sulfur and iodine and cleanses the body of fat, particularly in the intestines and stomach area.

Lettuce is number six on the list. For salad lovers this is wonderful. Lettuce is loaded with minerals that work to assist the immunity of the body and also increases metabolism.

Tomatoes is number seven of the top ten fat burning foods. Ordering salad will definitely look different to you once you realize how much it assists in ridding the body of fat. The magic to tomatoes is in its’ quality to accelerate the body’s metabolism due to its natural acids and Vitamin C qualities.

Onions and garlic make up number eight on the list since their contribution to the diet and seasoning of foods is so similar. Onions break up fat, and speeds up the metabolism with the natural oils and minerals they contain. Garlic creates a cleansing process in the body to breakdown and wash out fats from the body.

Number nine on the list is a simple kitchen staple, apple cider vinegar. This kitchen staple, and excellent dressing for salad simply contains an acid that creates a fat burning process.

The final food on the list of the top ten fat burning foods is cucumbers. Cucumbers have the ability to remove fat, by a process of stimulation, created by the high content of sulphur and silcon minerals.

None of the items on this list are hard to obtain, nor are they expensive. It is simply a matter of dietary choice, and knowing how the foods help us to burn fat naturally. Good luck on your fat burning journey and enjoy the top ten fat burning foods.


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