The Top Vitamins for Women

The decision to take vitamins and other supplements is a personal one however; there are several top vitamins for women that are formulated specifically for women’s needs. The top vitamins for women ensure that the necessary minerals are consumed to maintain balanced health and energy levels.

One of the top vitamins for women for overall health is the basic multivitamin, which contains all the basic nutrients to protect against major diseases as well as to protect against birth defects. To determine the quantity one should take, simply read the label for the recommended daily allowance. When taking daily vitamins be certain to take them with food to avoid upset stomach.

Another of the top vitamins for women specifically formulated to fight stress is basic Vitamin C. Again read the label of the product to be purchased and look for the recommended daily allowance which should be approximately 75 milligrams for women. Natural sources of the top vitamins for women as it pertains to Vitamin C are of course fresh oranges or orange juice, and broccoli to name a few. You can skip taking iron if taking a Vitamin C supplement.

Definitely at the head of the list for the top vitamins for women is Calcium, which is designed to strengthen bones and fight osteoporosis. Calcium is all about bone health and it is imperative as women age that Calcium supplements are added as a regular part of one’s supplement routine. Vitamin D is also complementary to the top vitamins for women in that is promotes absorption of Calcium.

Vitamin E is one of the most popular of the top vitamins for women as it not only battles colds and viruses but is also a great antioxidant. One should target at taking a minimum of 200 IU per day. Natural sources of Vitamin E include leafy vegetables and nuts such as walnuts or almonds.

Folate is definitely one of the top vitamins for women that if not taking it, women should add to their regimen. Folate is known to boost memory and also is critical to healthy DNA. The approximate dosage for Folate is approximately 400 milligrams according to the recommended daily allowance.

Another of the top vitamins for women is Iron, which is formulated to battle fatigue. Iron is a great energizer but it is imperative that it not be overdone to avoid inflammatory problems. An average dosage according to the recommended daily allowance is 18 milligrams per day.

Omega 3 Fats are very popular and are definitely among the top vitamins for women. Omega 3 Fats are crucial to fighting heart disease and strokes. 1 gram per day is an ideal recommended daily allowance. Natural sources of Omega 3 Fats include a diet rich in fish.

Vitamin B Complex is another of the top vitamins for women and is instrumental in reducing heart disease, specifically atherosclerosis. The daily recommended daily allowance is anywhere from 1.3 to 1.7 milligrams.

Visit online sites like the Vitamin Shoppe and GNC for more information on the top vitamins for women. Generally major department stores including the big box stores also carries most of the top vitamins for women.


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