There are good parents who put the needs of their children before themselves when they separate from their ex-spouse. Other parents start a battle, but they can express their emotions a little later, and finally put the needs of their children above their own. Then there are those who can never get past their feelings of anger and betrayal, and children are put in the middle of a long custody battle, where in the end, no fortune ever prevails.
The family courts is stuck in this last category of parents. Sometimes it comes from both sides. Often, however, it is almost a big part of the fight. One parent cannot go through a divorce, and although they may claim to be in charge, their actions show otherwise. They are more concerned with proving how horrible the other parent is than they are with the good side of their children. They return to the court with little complaints. Their emotions are in things like children coming back 5 minutes late, or calling on time. Maybe they don’t agree with other parent’s orders. Whatever happens, it is not very likely to earn much.
The boys are caught in the middle of an epic battle between two people who just aren’t together. Children are often left thinking that it is somehow their fault. As long as it reaches that children have to please the parent that is at but it is not their fault. In some cases, only one parent has to let go of the fight. A parent who truly wants to put the needs of his children before himself is likely to do this. He who least deserves to be forced to send away his children will often be the one in the end.
There is a story in the Bible about two mothers who fight over the same child. The king is so fed up with their fight that he offers to cut the boy in half. At this time the real mother offers herself to the other. Then the child was given away because the only true mother cared more about the child’s safety than she did. proper This is a beautiful story, and it illustrates how things are. But not as things. Walk into the courtroom and tell the judge that you want to grant custody to keep your children from being ripped apart. I will let you go. They don’t care if you are a better parent.
The judges need to ensure that these long drawn out battles don’t happen. Here are a few things that I believe will work to help reduce these overly litigious divorce and custody cases. The first thing is to take money out of the equation. If the person fighting for custody cares more about the money than the children, this will quickly become clear. Maybe they would stop fighting if they realized that child support is not an issue. Never ever favor one party over another. Although the courts say that they do not favor one party, it seems inevitable. Anyone who files for divorce favors some courts. Some favor the mother over the father, although more often today, any father who is admitted to custody is admitted because the courts do not want to be caught in favor of the mother. Make each party prove any allegations against the other party or make a motion. More often than not, one parent makes the move easier than the other. If the motions are minor, don’t let the custodial parent file the motions. If both sides put in motion after motion and can’t stop the fight, they take the guard away from both. their
Last but not least, ask the children where they want to be and why. Be careful with this last one, though, because children children are too influenced by their parent when they are the most. Make sure you clearly understand paternal alienation syndrome before you do this. Make sure that children clearly understand what it means to stay with each parent. Things to keep in mind are loving and nurturing children. Constant litigation does not help.