The Truth About LTD/Amway

I have been reading articles online that claim LTD and Amway are running a scam. They could not be further from the truth. First off, LTD and Amway are two different companies striving to do different things. They also do not force you to join or sign up for anything. Some people reading this may claim I am paid by the company or some other rubbish, but I am simply trying to give first hand advice to interested people.

Lets begin by looking at LTD. LTD stands for leadership team development. If you are reading this article you were most likely contacted by someone who showed you a video. LTD is just a team that attempts to help out Amway Global IBO’s. They arrange seminars, training sessions, and conferences. They are also the ones who put together that nifty video you watched. I keep reading about people claiming that LTD forces you to sign up for all this stuff and spend money to learn some secret. That may be true about every infomercial out there, but that is the complete opposite of this. The person who contacted you probably invited you to go to a local meeting to learn more. This meeting is completely free. When you go there you will get a seat right up front, and a speaker who has been successful with the system will explain what this business opportunity is.

After that you tell the person who invited you if you are interested or not. If not then cool you only waisted an hour or so of your time. The person should not try to pressure you or annoy you, but you never know there are always weird people that give good people bad reputations. If you are interested then you will set up a meeting with your contact and he will go more in depth with you and prepare you to begin. You can decide at any point that this is not for you and just get out. There really is no pressure and there really is no small fortune you have to comitt. Keep in mind when I am talking about getting started, I am talking about getting started with Amway Global. You have the option to join LTD if you want. LTD is a few bucks a month and it gives you an office feature where you can show the video to others or find out when events are. This is completely optional and really not that important. So once you have decided to join this business you will be introduced to Amway.

Amway Global is an online retailer. They have their own brands such as nutrilite, XS, and artistry. They also have partnerships with other stores such as Dicks Sporting Goods and Bass Pro Shop. The simple point of this business is to recruit your own team and get paid for buying products you would normally buy. Each product has a given amount of points and volume. When you buy a product you will get the points. The points determine what percentage you get of the volume. For example if you earn 100 points that is the 3% bonus level. Normally if you get 100 points you are looking at 300-400 volume. So you would make a few bucks. Please note that in order to get paid you must earn atleast 100 points. You are tought to increase your buying power by gaining customers. This is most commonly done by convincing family members or friends to buy off of you, or you could try to go after actual customers if you like selling.

The cost to become an IBO with Amway is around the $70 mark. However, you may pay up to $150 when signing up because you will also get an intro pack and 50 points right off the bat. When presented with this option at sign up you should do it. Each year you will have to pay $70 to renew yourself as an IBO, but there is a 6 month window to resign and get a full refund if you want. It is also very easy to earn that $70 in only one month. They have created a great Fast Track plan that gives you so many bonuses. It is very possible to be earning $1200 in a few months. Notice I said possible and not guranteed. The only thing I will gurantee is if you earn the money then you will get a ligit check. No scamming or shady business. That does not mean this business is not more difficult then others make it seem.

The most difficult part of this business is getting past the reputation. If you look around online you will find alot of people bashing this opportunity. You will hear the words scam and pyramid scheme being thrown around. When I went after my friends there were a few that started telling other friends that this was a pyramid scam. First I would like to say THIS IS NOT A PYRAMID SCAM. I get so annoyed when people claim this after hearing the plan. In a pyramid scam you are giving someone money in order for them to teach you how to get people to give you money and then they take some of that money you get from others. Basically the person at the top is making all the money. In this business you can earn more than the person who recruited you, you only pay to become an IBO, and the person who recruited you does not steal your profits. There is also no crazy monthly charge. You will only pay money when you decide to buy something, but that just makes sense. However, once the bad reputation started fluttering around it was nearly impossible to get past it. It was also difficult to be a teenager trying to recruit. People my own age took it as a joke and older people would not take me seriously. If you have a pretty intelligent group of people sorrounding you that are looking for ways to make money then you can make a killing in this business. Especially with the weak economy and the unemployment rate.

Overall i would say this is a pretty solid business opportunity. I have recently resigned because as stated the reputation and my young age killed progress. The people were really cool though and I did learn alot. I am a business student in college so this was a great learning experience, and I got to learn from some pretty wealthy people. If you work pretty hard at this and take it seriously I have no doubt you can make good money. I would not promise you will be able to quit your day job, but give it some time and it is very possible. Basically if you were wondering if you could make money without getting scammed the answer is yes.

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