Theories on the Causes of Autism

Causes of autism appear to very complex in nature. It is well known that since no two children with autism are alike, there are probably multiple and different causes of autism.

One of the suspected causes of autism is genetic vulnerability. Scientists have discovered that there may be a number of different genes that appear to be involved in the causes of autism. Also, autism appears to occur in people who have certain medical conditions and genetic dispositions. There is a higher than normal incidence in the causes of autism in individuals with congenital rubella syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, and untreated PKU. All newborns are now screened for the genetic condition, PKU before discharge from the hospital.
According to Mayo Clinic researchers, each genetic error may account for a small number of cases, but taken together, the influence of genes may be substantial in the causes of autism.

Another cause of autism might be from environmental factors. Environmental toxins are now being suspected in causes of autism. Heavy metals are more common in our environment than ever before and people with a particular disposition toward autism may be more vulnerable to the effects of heavy metals such as mercury. Viral infections and air pollution and also being investigated as possible causes of autism. Chemicals in the environment may also play an important role in causes of autism, although they have been implicated in the causes of autism, chemicals have not been directly linked to the causes of autism. Consumption of certain substances during pregnancy has also associated with an increased risk of autism but has never been implicated in a definite cause of autism.

Difficulty or problems during labor and delivery is being researched as a cause of autism as well as immune system function. According to the Mayo Clinic report on autism, “some researchers believe that damage to the amygdala – a portion of the brain that serves as a danger detector – may play a role in autism.

According to the Autism Society of America, “brain scans show differences in the shape and structure of the brain in children with autism versus neuro-typical children.” Heredity may also play a role in the causes of autism.

The controversy continues in the causes of autism as it related to it’s link to certain types of childhood vaccinations. One particular childhood vaccination that is suspected in the possible causes of autism is the measles – mumps – rubella (MMR) vaccine and also vaccines that contain the chemical thimerosal. Thimerosal is a chemical that contains small amounts of mercury in it. Most childhood vaccinations have been free from thimerosal for years, but the controversy still remains whether childhood vaccinations are causes of autism.

Many extensive studies have been conducted on childhood vaccinations and how they relate to causes of autism, and so far, studies have found no conclusive evidence that vaccinations cause autism. Researchers are also conducting studies to determine if sections of genetic code that a child has inherited are causes of autism. No one isolated gene has been implicated in causes of autism either. Some children may have been born with a susceptibility or propensity to autism, but scientists have yet to determine a single primary trigger of autism.

While there continues to be many theories on causes of autism, the jury is still on on what actually causes autism. The controversies still remain on childhood vaccinations, problems with labor and delivery, ingesting heavy metals, environmental factors, viruses and heredity components of autism. The causes of autism may be as many as the different types of autism.

Sources – Autism Society of America –
Mayo Clinic –

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