Things to Do when You’re Sick in Bed

The worst part about being sick is being confined to bed and not being able to fall asleep. If you’re the type that is used to running a house, working a full time job or just a serious multi-tasker your confinement to a sick bed can be enough to drive you mad.

So when your head cannot handle a good read, there is absolutely nothing on daytime TV and everyone in the house has run for cover what are you supposed to do? On a recent prolonged stay in bed I came up with a few mind numbing activities for fellow bed dwellers.

Here are a few things to do when you are sick in bed.

Learn To Play A New Instrument

The last thing a family member is going to do is hand over a violin for you to torture the rest of the family with so you need to get creative. When I say, learn to play a new instrument I was not referring to the traditional instruments that come to mind. Think “new instrument” and the possibilities are endless.

In the span of one week I created my own one woman hand bell choir, a three piece drum set and a not so successful set of musical glasses . I started out with the one bell I had angelically requested and insisted it was necessary even if my caregiver was in the same room. With the support of a sibling, and a little green, my bell collection grew and I was off ringing my five note compositions.

Once the bells were confiscated my tendency to tap on things took over, I kept having flashbacks to the groups of men that line the city streets in Chicago banging away at overturned buckets and crates. I was not using my bedside bucket at the moment so why not? With a couple buckets of your own, try overturned soup bowls and empty Gatorade bottles too, and something to bang them with you can make a drum set of your own. The musical glasses did not work out as well, mostly because I was in bed and every time I moved I ran the risk of spilling the glasses filled with varying amounts of water.

Creating your own instruments with the items that are near at hand in bed is really easy and just requires a little creativity, try it.

Create Art

When a high fever sets in your mind and body respond in different ways. My favorite by far is the belief that I can do anything, and do it well. During one of these trips into high fever delirium I gained an appreciation for art. Chances are the ceiling you will be staring up at the whole time you are in bed will be a boring white so it is time to create your own Sistine Chapel.

The easiest way to go about this is to request a straw with your drink and a few colored napkins, you can substitute the napkins with pieces of colored paper. Tear your napkin into small pieces, moisten and insert into the end of your straw. Blow on the opposite end of your straw and send your projectile to grace the ceiling above you. The results are best when you have several colors to work with, an idea of what you want to paint and great aim.

Nominate Some Saints

Having to deal with me requires a lot of patience, the patience of a saint in fact. Why not nominate some wonderful folks for sainthood? In fact, it is not as hard as it sounds.

Think of all the people in your life who have given of themselves willingly, there are plenty of people like that everywhere you look. By recognizing someone else’s efforts you will be sure to have their everlasting appreciation. In your nomination be sure to list the wonderful works your nominee has done and spin their life story. The most creative stories, again, come about when you are coming down from a high fever.

Write Your Will

For lack of anything better to do you might as well write or update any existing will you have. Just to be on the safe side of course. The best way to go about your will writing is to seek the advice of the most unbiased member of your family, the magic eight ball.

Before you make any big decisions determining who gets your prized worldly possessions once you have passed on consult your magic eight ball. Will my brother EBay my entire baseball card collection?” magic eight ball says: Without a doubt. Baseball card collection goes to my younger sister the packrat.

With some creativity even the time you spend sick in bed can be productive and fun.

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