Thomas Hobbes and John Locke on Government

Thomas Hobbes and John Locke had very different views on government and society in general. Locke seems to be content that people have a natural ability to cooperate, and so government will eventually be unnecessary. Thomas Hobbes opposes this, saying that in general men are not good, and that the governing body must be governed. Arguments of nature are always future, and will probably exist in the future. While I disagree between both sides that Locke and Hobbes are present, I find myself more in agreement with Thomas Hobbes than John Locke.

John Locke assumes that men in general can act without the government of the body, and thus “are better off without government” (P. 12, Para 2, Two Treatises on Government). The idea here is that if all the community works contributing to the human body, the community does not need it. force above them. These ideals are directly related to communism. While Locke’s ideals of community are not in themselves, they are very close. Communism in our world today is basically the lowest power of the primary, inferior and equal to all others. While Locke disagrees that he needs a leader to function, he will be keen to ensure that everyone is equal and works together. The problem with this is that human nature dictates individual differences. What happens when two people following their dreams have to go through each other to reach them? Fights will happen no matter how equal and balanced society is. Locke believed that government existed only by the consent of the rulers. This is one of the first specimens I find referred to from Locke. The idea that government should only exist if people think government is necessary is quite controversial. This idea supports the idea of ​​man’s total ability to make decisions that are for the good of the people. I don’t believe this is happening. I think that for some people in society, the government exists to benefit their lives. In this case the people, who would oppose the benefit of the government, would oppose the removal of the state, creating a conflict between the parties.

Thomas Hobbes believes that nature humane dictates that humans always need a governing body in order for society to be preserved. . His belief is that all people have a need to rule, and governments need a large amount of power. to the people While I disagree that all people need to be governed, I think there will always be a select group of people who cannot function in society without being physically governed. The combination of human nature and society in general led some people to lives that were destructive to society. If a society exists with these people with no governing body, chaos will likely exist and the liberties of people who do not need government will be in danger. He needs public opinion as much as possible, but he does not particularly appeal to me. When government gets too big, it is common for government to forget that it is to serve the people. Growing government works in much the same way as growing a monopoly. Since everyone is under your control and you have great power, either abuse power or keep your power, which is clearly Frankly, society is not necessary. I like Hobbes’s belief that government must exist, but I don’t like his worst ideals of human nature. There must be a government, but this government must be as small as a well-maintained society.

John Locke
Two Treatises on Government;=frontcover&dq;=two+treatises

Thomas Hobbes

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