Three Fun Baby Shower Games

Are you planning a baby shower? Why not add a game to the agenda! Certainly as kids we liked to play games, I know I did! And guess what, I still do and I’m willing to bet you do too! Get a bunch of ladies together who are already giddy just to be out of their house with “the girls” and an expectant mother who is so happy over her little bundle of joy arriving soon, and you’ve got the ideal environment to play a baby shower game! I’m going to share three fun baby shower games I’ve enjoyed playing at past showers.

#1 Baby Shower GameBaby Faces

Who doesn’t like to look at baby pictures? This game requires asking each guest to bring a picture of themselves as a baby or small child. Also be sure to include the mother-to-be! Include the request in the invitations to the shower.

Either hang a pink and blue memo board to display the pictures on or display them on a table covered with a baby colored cloth. Associate a number with each photo.

When guests arrive ask them to inspect the photographs and write down their guesses as to who each one of the photos identify. Give each participant a list by number followed by a blank so guests can fill in who they think each photo identifies.

When all of the participants have finished writing down their guesses, have each guest identify which baby picture is theirs.

The winner of the Baby Faces game is the person who has the highest number of correct guesses. Reward them with an inexpensive gift or some chocolate!

#2 Baby Shower Game –Limerick/Poem Contest

Some guests may be a little intimidated when asked to create a poem, but stress it is just for fun and just write what comes to mind! Each guest is given a sheet of paper and a pen. Ten minutes are allotted to compose a limerick or poem about the Mom-to-Be. In ten minutes, they should be able to pen four or five lines. The following is an example of what I’m talking about.

The Mom-to Be is radiant and beautiful,

She’s anxiously awaiting her tiny new girl.

She paints the nursery a girly shade of pink,

Fills it with toys and stuffed animals

What will the baby girl think?

At the end of ten minutes, time is up. It is time for the Mom-to-Be to read aloud each one and awards a prize to the one that is most creative!

#3 Baby Shower Game –The Memory Game

In the memory game the hostess of the baby shower purchases several different baby related items to put on a tray such as a bottle, a pacifier, some booties, diaper pin, rattle, etc…

Each guest is then given a sheet of paper and a pen and allowed to look at the items on the tray for just one minute! The hostess takes the tray away and each guest writes down as many objects as they can remember.

The one with the most correct objects written down wins a prize, and the Mom-to-Be is given all of the goodies on the tray!

Drop in showers are the norm now, but these games can still be played at the point in the shower when the most guests are there at one time. Better yet, bring back the baby showers that last two hours like years ago, when people weren’t too busy to spend quality time with friends and family!

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