Throw a Summer Barbeque Party

Summer is finally here! And while there are many activities that you can enjoy during this time of year, one of the most popular festivities to enjoy with both friends and family is a summer barbecue party. But in order to have a truly successful gathering around the barbecue, you need to be properly prepared not only with food, but with other entertainment for the attendees. In order to help you throw a hit event, here are several barbecue party ideas and tips that you should consider for the future.

Venue – Where you have your summer barbecue party is important! I’ve attempted to have a dozen plus people in a small apartment for a barbecue party, and it just doesn’t work well! Some people might not complain about having to stand and eat, but that doesn’t mean they like it! Therefore the place where you hold the event should have ample and comfortable seating for everyone. Don’t give up, if you feel that your own residence is too small for the size of gathering you’d like to host. Many apartment complexes have a community event center which you can rent for cheap or even free, and they also usually sit poolside and even have a barbecue you can use. And nearly every city has a local city park which doesn’t charge to use their charcoal BBQ pits and they’ll also have recreational activities for all ages.

Décor & Ambiance – You can create a welcoming and festive environment where you hold your summer barbecue party by decorating and providing music. Tack up some paper streamers to the fence or arbor outside with a stapler. Play music that you know most party goers will appreciate. If you are hosting the barbecue party in a place such as a local community park, then be sure to clean up the decorations and also bring a battery operated radio as finding a nearby electrical outlet will be unlikely.

Games – While everyone loves to eat, not everyone is going to spend all day consuming food and drink! So have some games ready for the adults and kids. Some rather inexpensive outdoor game ideas that are perfect for a summer barbecue party include a grass or pool volleyball set, potato sack race, ultimate Frisbee, and even squirt guns to help kids cool off during a warm summer’s day.

Food – Ah yes! This is a summer barbecue party and food is a definite focus of this gathering. Staple barbecue items such as hot dogs and burgers are perfect for large gatherings as they are cheap, quick, and easy to prepare. Other great barbecue food which is also great for feeding large groups and will definitely impress are ribs, tri-tip, steaks, and corn on the cob. If you are having the party at home and have a side burner on your gas grill, then doing up a pot of chili is a great idea since people can use it ala carte or to make chili dogs with. Bringing along some soy based burgers is not a bad idea either in case someone you invited winds up being a vegan. And last but not least, don’t forget a well stocked cooler full of assorted beverages.

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