Tim Haraday mentioned in a radio interview that he hates gays and that he is homophobia. This is getting a lot of air play and just pick any network and it is a hot topic. Why? Tim mentioned that he is homophobic. So what’s the big deal?
Did Tim Hardaway say that he was going to kick every gay’s butt and start a KKK style campaign to end homosexuality in the world? No, he said he was homophobic. There are a lot of people that are homophobic. That doesn’t mean they are going to start lynching gays and branding gays with a big “Q” on the forehead, it just means he, Tim Hardaway, is homophobic.
There was a time in my life that I was homophobic. Since that time I have meet quite a few gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals and living in the Florida Keys tri-sexuals. That would be people that will try anything, and trust me I mean anything!
During the course of my life I have worked with gays, homophobes, whore dogs, players, virgins, prudes, scank ho’s (her word not mine), conservatives, liberals, ultra conservatives, ultra liberals, country music listeners and rap music lovers of all creeds, ethnicities and colors. They where all just people and the ones that actually did their job tended to hang around.
Tim Hardaway is a basketball player, and the best I can tell he did his job. Now that opens up a whole new debate, did he do his job? That is a topic worthy of Tim Hardaway, was he worth the bucks?
As for my opinion on gays, flamers in inappropriate areas are a pain in the butt! My gay buds tend to agree, everything it’s place. I have no problem with flamers in flaming venues. There are few members of our society that can really make show tunes kick other than flamers. Check out Diva’s in Key West some time.
Now I have had a few female dates that had problems with flamers because they dressed better than my date and actually had a nicer looking butt. But that was my date’s problem not mine.
As for my homophobia, the last time I was in Key West for Fantasy Festival, my buddy “Gay Richard” got pissed at me because I got hit on more than he did. That’s not my problem! He’s the one that gave me the friggin’ rainbow boa to hang on to while he was dancing. By the way, that was the last night I saw Skank Ho.
So does Tim Hardaway need to apologize to the gay community? No! He has just as much of a right to be homophobic as a gay has to be homosexual. Talk is still one of those rights we have. Everyone is entitle to their opinion. If Tim Hardaway violated the civil rights of somebody, that would be news! But he didn’t. He just has an opinion that is all his own.