Time, the 4th Dimension

Knowledge of time! Long before H.G. Wells, the man behind “The Time Machine,” has always been intrigued by that concept. DiVinci, Nostradamus, Newton, and Einstein all indicated that a fourth dimension exists. In many ways, Welles actually existed in many of the narratives of his stories. Like Jules Verne, science fiction was made in the 1800s.

It wasn’t until Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity that truly set man in motion as to how time equates to the fourth dimension. Humans have always been aware of 3 dimensions. When we go forward or backward; which is one dimension. When we move to the side; that is another reason. When we move up or down; which is the third reason. The fourth season shows all the regulars moving forward. Although man has not been able to successfully move in reverse or accelerated time, at least not yet, we are nevertheless moving in fourth-dimensional time. Come on everyone. That is a journey forward in time.

To fully understand how time equates to the fourth dimension, we must understand the concept of Relativity in that relationship to time. Einstein observed that the passage of time {which everyone assumes to be constant} is the speed of light. This system shows that the changing speed occurs over time. Time, space, and motion all fall into the fourth dimension, in which they all interact with each other. In other words, if we circled the earth and returned to our starting point, our watch would be a little later. If we were to travel through space at very high acceleration, we would age humans more slowly than humans on Earth. This means that we are actually traveling through space at at the speed of light over a period of thousands of years to future lands.

Man has always lived in the three dimensions of the world. However, there are many obstacles that hinder our movement. One of the main reasons for the compulsion in moving around in three dimensions is that man cannot move through solid objects, nor do major operations without cutting into something. In Einstein’s theory space and time are really the same aspect. At 186,000 miles per second time travel. The analogy is good: Someone who is 20 years old would board a space ship and leave the earth at 99.5% of the speed of light. Spending 5 in the space birthdays to return to earth in the space of 25 years that you knew when you left the 50-year-old we compare to the 5-year-old. This is because time has passed more slowly for you. The greater the speed, the slower time passes. At the speed of light, time stops. To exceed the speed of light, time goes backwards.

From the writings of H.G. Wells and Jules Verne, yesterday’s science fiction will be tomorrow’s truth. Now the experts are investigating the mysteries and the possibility of movement in the 4th system. From NASA to the scientists working on the super collider in France, the human race is on its way to solving the scientific misconception of everything. E=MC 2 is the most famous equation in history. Understanding is vital in the development of movement in time, the 4th dimension.


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