Tips for a Successful DIY Spa Party

Taking the time to care for yourself while you care for everyone else is one of the most important investments of time any woman can make toward health and wellness. Here are 10 tips for hosting a spa party that will be refreshing and relaxing for everyone – including you.


Goes. The purpose of a trip to the spa is to experience soothing and relaxation at a higher level than usual. Skip the super host syndrome and have their hosts;

  • Handkerchiefs
  • Washcloths
  • Robes
  • Tubes for foot soaks
  • He will drink

Spa Party Checklist

Use the simple party plan checklist to make sure you don’t forget anything important. Check each item off when complete and sit back and relax; Are you ready for some girl to have a nice time?

  1. Guest List
  2. Invitations sent
  3. Responses received
  4. Food
  5. Bibits (optional);
  6. Music
  7. Hardware (CD player, iPod, etc.)
  8. Decoration
  9. Necessary comments
  10. Products work
  11. Clean
    • Atmosphere

      Set the method. Keep the decorations simple; tend to earth and natural tones, such as browns, blues, and greens for ornaments. You already have the items to use: the plant, the candle, the fountain. For some easy decorating ideas and suggestions, try The Do-It-Yourself Home Spa Party.


      Music is a key component of spa parties. The sound of waves gently crashing on the beach, drops, or exotic cymbals tinkling in the wind – all combined with these. The music creates a feeling of relaxing in a tropical paradise.

      Cure Types

      How will you entertain your guests? Special treatments for hands and feet like manicures and pedicures are always appreciated, but so are massages and facial treatments. Spending the evening indulging in naughty arts and learning new makeup styles and tips makes for an unusual game of sixth nighte.


      Invitations – what do you prefer: invitations or purchased invitations? Either way, a muted party invitation sets the scene and is a good spa tip. Why not have the best of both worlds and avoid them?

      Homemade Beauty

      Using the previous time as a guest may sound like a joke if you’re the creative type; however, it would be more fun to buy supplies and have guests join in and help with the spa creations. Think about the group dynamics that you have invited and base your plan on synergy. Homemade beauty products are cheap, easy to make, and produced in quantity and quality by ladies.

      Spa Party Kits

      Keep something more important and buy a spa part in a box or kit. How does Chocolate Therapy or Death by Chocolate sound? The Springdale Collection offers a variety of special spa-lady packages from their collections:

      Springdale Spa at Home, Chocolate State, Java Spa and Essence of the Vine.


      Refreshments can be as simple as cheese, crackers, and fruit or you can choose to whip up one of these delicious party spa recipes.

      Summer Fruit in Ginger-Wine Sauce
      Tropical Fruit Sem
      Gingered Lemon-Lime Fizz

      Differences and Limits

      Party favors, take-home goody bags, prizes, and games are tips for a good party space. These can be as simple as votive candles for individual guests or an elaborate creation. Here are some ideas to start with:

      Bath Salts Party Favors
      Spa Trivia and Recipes
      Free Spa Party Games


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