Tips for Kinesthetic, Visual, Auditory and Tactile Learners

Kinesthetic learners need to move and use the body. They are usually good at sports and acting, and cannot sit still for long. They are the ones who will move their arms while talking. These children are characterized as hyperactive, when in fact they are motivated to process and retain information. Many of these children have a more difficult time in formal school settings, as they are designed mainly for visual and auditory styles.

Kinesthetic learners do best when they are allowed to use their bodies. They can benefit from using flash-cards, working out what they are learning, or using some kind of art. can be manipulated to understand concepts or concepts being taught. It is good for learners to get up kinesthetic and repeat what they have learned or act on the information so that they can move and use their bodies.

Visual learners need to see what they are learning. They can be criticized by the words they use such as: “I see” and “Can you please me”. Visual learners are going to tell their dreams differently. Visual learners prefer a list or written explanation of what they need to do rather than being told. Visual learners do best with readings, PowerPoints, charts, graphs and pictures. Visual learners can color different concepts in writing code. Visual learners need time to learn what they have learned.

Auditory learners prefer listening to lectures or explanations. Let them do well with the learned song. They could saying like: “I hear you” or “Tell me. Audience< /i> learners prefer to do what is needed, rather than to show or write learners will do well in discussions, answering questions and sessions, and explaining what they have learned to others.

Tactile learning to use hands. Tactile learners do best what they have learned to do. For example, if they are learning about computers, they must do computer work while they are learning it. Paying attention to notes using calculators or highlighting when instructed will help them retain and learn information. Tactile learners want to touch things and say “I feel” when describing things.

Teaching the basic concept of “A to be for Apple” with different learning:

Kinesthetic: The child will get up and find “A” on the wall, and then find and point to “Apple”.

Visual: Put the “A” image, then put the “Apple” image. Explain the word on the board and have the child write both down and draw the picture.

Audience: Say “A” is for “Apple” and have the child repeat. The singers also help with the song.

Tactile: Boy “A” cuts out the magazine, and then cuts out the picture of “Apple”. The child write or draw what you teach.

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