People always tell me how lucky I am that I can just take my child into their room and watch them fall asleep and fall asleep. Well, not always easy. It took some time and patience mom to be able to have this blessing in life. I didn’t want to spend my evenings having to put my babies to sleep at the end. I wanted them to soothe themselves with sleep, as we all must do eventually in our lives. As a new mom, this may be very difficult for you to do, so please don’t feel like a failure if this isn’t for you. Some are younger than others. The first child was the wind. He always loved to just get back into his bed and go to sleep. But my daughter is an odd ball! s will sleep in his sleep, but not give. It will soothe him to sleep at night when it is time to go down in the evening. I don’t know if she’s afraid of the dark or what her problem is, so 90% of the time, I have to hold her until fall asleep at night but I follow the steps every night in the hope that I will not do it forever.
First of all, let’s make sure that it’s funny. Make sure your bedroom shades are down and there is a soft night light if it is night time. I always make sure my daughter’s windows are closed so that dogs or noisy kids don’t disturb the neighborhood. Some parents like to put on a CD of lullabies to help them fall asleep. I try not to have those types of things, because then something will happen to me always I have to vital child is sleeping when you try to put them to bed. Make sure they don’t get wet, hungry, or poop in the hay.
If your child is older than this, it might be a little more difficult to get into the routine, but it can be done! They are never too old to take themselves to sleep. Just follow the steps!
So go ahead and do the experiment. It is important not to give up! If you can’t make your child cry for 30 minutes, then they will cry as long as you can take them, then go ahead and take them. For me with my daughter, I can usually only handle about 15 minutes of her crying before I get to her. He often sleeps a little later in my arms, but still I did not give up. However, I put her to bed every night to watch. Some nights she is just tired and falls asleep, but most days she cries to come to us. like her
This is not for everyone, as I said before. Some people think it’s horrible to have your child cry, but for me it was amazing to put my child in bed and see them go to sleep! Good bye!