Tips to Keep Your Puppy from Pooping on the Floor

It is impossible to break every puppy in the same way. Every puppy is different and they all have different personality traits. Some puppies are easy to housebreak, and others can take months right. He tamed many puppies himself, and every experience taught me something new. Here are a few tips I picked up along the way.

Pepper your blankets
Some puppies do this method for the first time. All you need is a good sized ground pepper. Spread your blankets liberally. will smell bad and probably sneeze a few times but it is temporary. Within minutes the smell will go away. It went to the human nose instead, but the puppy smell is as great as ever, and puppies don’t like the smell of pepper.

You will need to sprinkle pepper on your carpet at least every other day. I order it every day but even at the dollar store pepper gets expensive so do what you can. It is a good thing, it is easy to empty and should be done before any new spraying.

Redirect priority
House breaking the dog preferred all the sores. You want your puppy to prefer to do its job outside in the yard, not inside the clothes. To give your puppy a reason to prefer grass to carpet. Never correct a puppy after you find an accident by rubbing your nose on it or them with a newspaper.

A puppy has no ability to understand why you are so mean to them. Everyone knows you’ve suddenly become a hideous monster and they don’t know why. You can train a puppy at home when you actually get them.

The proper way to correct a puppy is to make the first sound. At this moment he arouses the dog in such a way that the body’s function ceases in the middle of the action. Then either seize the puppy, or call him outside to the grass. Then, this is important, do not pay attention to the puppy. Can you go to the bathroom with someone ogling you?

When the puppy goes potty, reward with a treat or toy. This is how I prefer to reduce it to you. Essentially, what you are teaching the dog is that they are interrupted when they are stuck on the carpet, which, as you probably know, is not very comfortable, especially when you really have to, and they are playing, praising, playing on the potty in the grass. or treats I promise you that once the connection is made, your dog will potty on the grass.

Leash dog to off leash
It’s not easy, I know, but it’s a tried and true method that works every time. This is one of our dog trainer that we taught and used on our three dogs. If you can’t be at home with your puppy, find a relative or family member who can. Ask them to stay with you all day and be pampered by your puppy. Good luck with that.

The thing is, if you win a puppy, you’ll never run out of luck. The key to housebreaking a puppy is consistency. In order for the dog to understand that every time the potty is going to be on the floor there is going to be an interruption.

This is also a great way to bond with your puppy. Your puppy will learn to read your body language and easily walk on a leash as 2 tasks in one.

These techniques will work on dogs of any age. The more effort you are willing to put into your dog, the more rewards you will see coming in the future. Before you start blaming the puppy for pottying on the floor, start blaming yourself for not keeping an eye out for potential accidents. You can’t wait for a two-year-old to use the potty on his own, and you can’t expect a puppy to potty on his own.

Take advantage of your puppy, treasure your coming years with your pets, because they can be some of the most loving filling years of your life.

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