Top 10 Affectionate Dog Breeds

In doing research for the Top 10 Affectionate Dog Breeds I was not surprised to see the Labrador Retriever at or near the top of the lists. Having lived with one for the last 11+ years I can vouch for how affectionate Labs are. Therefore, while the other 9 contenders are in no particular order, I did put the Lab at the #1 spot.

I have included small, medium and larger breed dogs for an overall sampling of the top 10 affectionate dog breeds.

# 1 – Top 10 Affectionate Dog Breeds – The Labrador Retriever
Labs are tough, hardy, sweet and easy to love. Labs love people. When you own one you will find that his or her head is often resting on your foot, arm, or whatever part of you they can reach. They are more than happy to curl up next to you on the sofa at the end of the day. When you have a Lab you have a friend for life. The Lab’s face even has an affectionate look; mine always looks like she is smiling. Labs are highly intelligent and obedient. The Lab rates high for affection, playfulness and is very social with humans. They have a medium high energy level and are quite social with other dogs.

# 2 – Top 10 Affectionate Dog Breeds – The Golden Retriever
Goldens are very similar in disposition and affection as the Lab. They have excellent personalities and calm dispositions. They are a little more stubborn than Labs and require stronger training methods. They make a good family dog and they love kids. They rate high for affection, and playfulness. They are social with other dogs and humans, but they are rated a little low in energy level. They require a lot of grooming due to their long hair.

# 3 – Top 10 Affectionate Dog Breeds – The Brittany Spaniel
The Brittany is a dog that is eager to please. They are playful and enjoy being with kids. The downside is they require a lot of exercise so be prepared for that. They need the exercise to burn off some steam! The Brittany rates high for affection, playfulness and boundless energy.

# 4- Top 10 Affectionate Dog Breeds – The Beagle
Beagles are very affectionate dogs and are tolerant, loving and playful. They have a strong bark or howl which could be a little annoying. We have one living not very far from us and we can hear her howling as she runs through the woods chasing rabbits. They are rated high for affection and are social with humans and other dogs. They are rated a little lower in playfulness and very low in train ability.

# 5 – Top 10 Affectionate Dog Breeds – The Bichon Frise
Unlike other small yappy dogs, the Bichon is much quieter. They are affectionate and energetic and are easy to train. I have several friends who own Bichons and I know they are affectionate dogs. They are rated high for affection and energy, but – you will get a kick out of this – they rank low for guard dog capabilities!

# 6 – Top 10 Affectionate Dog Breeds – The Cocker Spaniel
An affectionate dog that is not aggressive. The Cocker makes an ideal companion. However, they are very sensitive and owners must treat them gently and with kindness. The Cocker does not like to be left alone and might have separation issues. The Cocker rates high in affection and is social with other dogs but ranks lower in energy.

# 7 – Top 10 Affectionate Dog Breeds – The Irish Setter
The Irish Setter is a beautiful dog to see in motion with its hair flying in the breeze. The Setter has a reputation for being difficult to train. It is worth the effort to work with them because they are extremely affectionate and rate high as such.

# 8 – Top 10 Affectionate Dog Breeds – The Italian Greyhound
The Italian Greyhound loves to take walks. They are easily trained but training must be conducted in a firm but gentle manner. They prefer to live in a quiet household and are not particularly fond of other pets, but they do well with people in the household. They are rated high on the affection scale.

# 9 – Top 10 Affectionate Dog Breeds – The Boxer
The Boxer is playful and and quite easy to love. On the down side, a Boxer remains in the puppyish state until reaching age 3. The Boxer is a tireless, devoted and a challenging dog. The Boxer is a multifaceted dog and rates high for affection and playfulness but a little lower on interacting with other pets or other dogs.

#10- Top 10 Affectionate Dog Breeds – The Blood Hound
It is difficult to tell from their looks, but the Blood Hound is affectionate, gentle and dignified. They are quite active when young, and they tend to be stubborn. They rate high for affection and are social with other pets, but rank low in playfulness and are not easy to train.

There you have a variety of breeds rated as the top 10 affectionate dog breeds. I am sure each of you will say that your dog, whatever breed it happens to be, is affectionate. Each dog breed has inborn traits but it also adapts to the environment and how you train your dog. A well trained and loved Pit Bull can be as affectionate as a Lab. The above list is based on breed standards, as well as my own personal opinions and experiences.


Greenhill’s experience

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