Top 5 Fat Burning Foods for Men

1. Milk, Whole Grain, Cereal, Oats:

The ingredients in these foods help men burn fat because of the calcium, multifaceted carbohydrates, and fiber. The carbohydrates and fiber work together by pumping up the metabolism and keeping insulin levels low after you eat. When insulin rises it tells the body to store fat, and when the body starts to store fat, your metabolism slows down. This makes it difficult to lose weight. So keeping your insulin levels low is a good thing. An example of beneficial food would be oatmeal because it takes longer to digest, and helps to keep insulin levels low compared to something like a bagel.

Calcium is an important part of weight loss because it helps to activate your metabolism. Studies proved that those consuming between 1,200 & 1,300 milligrams of calcium lost almost twice as much weight then those who didn’t drink it. (University of Tennessee)

2. Jalapenos, Hababeros, Cayennes:

In these peppers there is a secret ingredient that makes them spicy, it’s called capsaicin. When you eat something hot your body responds by increasing your heart rate. During the 80’s there was a study conducted that showed those who ate hot peppers had 25% increase with their metabolism.

3. Green Tea, Coffee:

There are two secret ingredients in these two. Coffee has caffeine, and tea has a chemical called EGCG. Caffeine affects your heart rate by speeding it up. When this happens your body tends to burn more calories. EGCG speeds up things as well, but does it to the brain and nervous system. This makes them run more quickly also helping you to burn more calories.

By combining the two (90mg) three times a day you can burn an extra 80 calories.

4. Lean Beef, Pork, Chicken, Turkey:

Protein takes much longer to digest then carbohydrates or fat. This takes more energy from your body, therefore resulting in burning calories. Arizona State University conducted a study illustrating that those who ate a high-protein diet burned more than twice as many calories than those who ate a high-carbohydrate diet. Men that have substituted there carbohydrates with protein (By 20%) have had a metabolism increase by 5%.

5. Salmon, Tuna, Sardines:

Omega 3 Fatty acids are great for the body. They interact with the hormone in your body called leptin. Leptin counteracts with your metabolism telling it to either burn fat or store it. When you eat Omega 3 Fatty acids it interacts in a way by telling it to burn the fat. You want to have lower leptin levels, and the best way to do this is to eat fish.

Fish oil supplements have Omega 3 Fatty acids as well, so if you don’t like fish then give this a try!

Helpful Hints:

By eating breakfast it’s been proven to help burn more calories in a day, and has helped raise men’s metabolisms by 10%. (Studies conducted on a group of workforce in the U.S. Navy)

By eating small snacks throughout the day can help increase your metabolism, and has been proven to help people burn 1,000 more calories a day then those who go without. When you go all day without eating your metabolism actually slows down making it more difficult to lose weight.

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