Top 5 Migraine Home Remedies

Every now and then, I come down with a migraine. The pain is so intense I need total silence with my head tucked under a pillow. No matter where you go when in throws of a migraine, you might be searching for that migraine home remedy to relieve your pain.

After scouring the Internet for other people’s home remedies, I have picked from other people’s remedies to find those remedies that work best for me. The key to remember is that finding that one thing that works for me, might not be the same for you. That is just using common sense. The more we learn about migraine home remedies, the quicker we will find that perfect remedy that works for us.

Step #1 A Deep Massage
As a I feel a migraine coming on, I quickly have my husband give me a 3 minute intense massage. This massage isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s a deep-hurt and make you cringe kinda massage but it will release pressure in your neck. Trust me? It does help. Once you’ve had your mini massage, try laying down for a few minutes. It could be a bed, chair, floor. Just find anything that’s available. Use what you have. That’s the beauty of migraine home remedies.

Step #2 Essential Oil Migraine Remedy
Essential Oils are one of my favorite remedies. Pick a relaxing essential oil: basil, jasmine, lavender, chamomile, etc… The list is endless. Once you’ve found the scent you want, add to a carrier oil. My favorite carrier oil is Vitamin E. I love a lavender/Vitamin E mixture or a Basil/Lavender/Vitamin E. Use only a drop at a time. More is less in this case. I get the dark blue plastic bottles at the solar store. Then I fill the bottle up with Vitamin E Oil. Then I add a drop or two of my essential oils. I know have my migraine massage oils ready for use.

Step #3 Zero Caffeine Policy
Whenever I notice I’m having an increase in migraines, I know I need to stop drinking caffeine. Or, it’s a reminder my stress level is too high. Either way, there are preventive steps we can take before the migraine gets worse. In this case, drink a caffeine drink. Sometimes a dose of caffeine is just what I need to push off the headache. No, this isn’t healthy. But if I have a migraine coming, I will utilize my home remedies. A quick caffeine dash could be exactly what I need. For long term therapy, staying away from caffiene is my top priority.

Step #4 Icy Patch/Heat
Yes, our fifth migraine home remedy is a tried a true remedy for pain relief. If I have a full blown migraine, I will apply ice for fifteen minutes then hear for fifteen minutes. Try to find a quiet place to rest and take lots of deep breaths. Headache relief will come; it just might take time.

Step #5 Zero Stress
It’s important to let the stress be released from your muscles. The more you rest and relax, the quicker you will find headache relief. Remember that migraines are as much about taking care of yourself before the migraine as during. Drink lots of water throughout the day and exercise regularly. Getting rid of a migraine is about multiple factors. It’s important to relieve the knots in your body as well as creating the proper environment for getting rid of the migraine.

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