Top Ten Africa-based Movies

With Africa being so rich in cultural diversity and so scenic, it’s no wonder why so many movies are filmed there or are about Africa. You can find movies that deal with cultural issues, movies that deal with wartime and movies that just happen in Africa and show you how beautiful the scenery can be. Here are my choices for the top ten movies that deal with Africa or take place in Africa.

1. Nowhere in Africa (2001). I happen to really enjoy foreign language films, especially those in German. It’s not that I like having to read subtitles so I can understand what’s going on, but I like it to see the way people speak in other languages. I am also drawn to the German language. This Africa movie deals with a Jewish family who has had to leave German for their own safety and flee to Kenya in Africa. We learn about the African culture in this movie and get to see some incredible scenery in this film, as well as learning about the German language and some of its cultural aspects during the time of Nazi Germany. This is a great choice for a diverse and multicultural film.

2. Hatari (1962). For being a 1962 film, this movie about Africa is very well developed and thought out. John Wayne is the star, but he is joined by actors from all over the world, including Germany and Mexico for instance. This Africa based film is about a group of people who go out and catch animals in the wild in the African safari, which are then sold to zoos. My favorite part of this movie has to be the scenery, but I also enjoy the fact that there is a pet Cheetah named Sonya on the ranch where they all stay. Oh, did I forget to mention that you might enjoy the fact that John Wayne stars in this movie?

3. Out of Africa (1985). Meryl Streep’s character Karen lives in Denmark. She asked a Baron to marry her for convenience, and the two decide to go to Africa to start a dairy farm. Unfortunately, once they move to Africa, Karen’s husband ends up using the money for something else than the farm. To add to the drama, her husband starts cheating on her. She does meet Robert Redford’s character Denys, and starts to be attracted to him. But she gets a disease from her cheating husband and has to return home to Denmark. Upon returning, she gets rid of the cheating husband and starts an affair with Denys. The bad news continues when she realizes she can’t tame this African-spirited man. See what will happen next by watching the movie!

4. A Dry White Season (1989). A black child is murdered in Southern Africa, and the school teacher, played by Donald Sutherland, wants justice. Marlon Brando plays the lawyer who is hired to prosecute the case. Things don’t go as planned, as the attorney runs into all sorts of problems trying to win the case and the schoolteacher is cast out by just about everyone. This movie is great as an African movie for dealing with the issue of apartheid and the reality of life in South Africa with whites and blacks during this time.

5. Ernest Goes to Africa (1997). Here’s a welcome change of pace from the serious movies about Africa. This one’s quite funny. Watch as Ernest loses his job and gets turned down for a date by his dream girl. To win her, he buys these jewels for her that turn out to be stolen from a tribe in Africa. The adventure goes into full action as both Ernest and the girl end up in Africa with everyone wanting the gems.

6. Color of Freedom (2007). If you’re looking for another great view of the situation of Apartheid in South Africa, then this movie is for you. Nelson Mandela is a prisoner, and his guard is a man named James Gregory. At first, Gregory is all for apartheid and against all blacks. However, Mandela strikes up a friendship with him and starts to help him change his whole view on the situation. We learn a little bit more about history as the tides change in Africa from the apartheid government to democracy. The blacks, who have always been in the majority of the population, start to gain their rights.

7. A Good Man in Africa (1994). The British are living in Kinjanja, which is beginning to become decolonized. A discovery of oil leaves the British wanting to claim it. To do so, they have to impress the next president of the land, a man named Sam Adekunle. Will this work out, or will something stand in their way?

8. The Fifth Patient (2007). What would you do if you woke up in an African hospital and didn’t remember how you got there? That’s what happens to this American, and he finds that he has been there for two years! What makes matters worse is he is accused of being a spy. Will this guy be able to get out of what has become a very sticky situation?

9. Waiting for Happiness (2002). A man goes to Nouadhibou in Mauritania, Africa to visit his mother. He isn’t familiar with all of the African culture and customs, so he feels a bit out of place. His mother tries to get him to act like everyone else while he is there. His western ways stick out like a sore thumb. He befriends a local boy, and the two of them try to leave Africa together.

10. Africa: Texas Style (1967). A British rancher owns land in Kenya. He hires two Americans to watch over his land. Their job is to domesticate some of the wild game in Africa so they can be captured and used to feed the villagers. Unfortunately, there’s always someone who wants to stand in the way of your plans. watch what happens next.

What are your favorite movies depicting or set in Africa?


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