Top Ten Gift Ideas for Expecting Mothers

Pregnancy can make a woman feel many things. Essentially pregnancy is a nine-month emotional roller coaster. Feelings can range from weight issues to being ecstatic that a new baby is coming. Receiving baby gifts is nice, but can also make the expecting mother feel left out. Friends and family members may not realize that expecting mothers also like to receive gifts just for her. Items that make pregnancy a little more bearable will make for a happier mom-to-be.

1. Bath oils, body creams, and skin care products will make a new mom feel better about her changing appearance. Some expecting mothers find that they feel “fat” and less attractive than they did before pregnancy. New mothers will be showered with baby items throughout the pregnancy, but expecting mothers’ personal needs tend to be placed on the back burner with the excitement of a new baby on the way.

2. Hire a decorator to help the expecting mother design the baby’s nursery. Interior designers can come up with fresh ideas and can also help the expecting mother with paint and furniture choices that will grow with the baby. Painting and putting together furniture will be difficult if the expecting mother is single or has a partner that works long hours. Relieving her stress with help pulling together a baby room will give her more time to relax. If the idea of a designer seems a little pricey, several family members can chip in together on this gift, so that the full cost isn’t placed on just one person. Also, family members and friends can pull together and do the work for her, if a designer is out of the question. All mom has to do is pick colors and items out. She will get two gifts this way – time with family and friends as well as a completed nursery.

3. Materials for scrap books the new mother can build throughout her pregnancy will give her something to do while waiting on the arrival of the new baby. Baby books will cover the time after the baby is born, but the pregnancy is something that we tend to forget small details of years later. Ultrasound images, stickers illustrating her cravings, baby shower photos, and pictures of mom “growing” month-by-month will be something she will cherish even after the child is grown.

4. If the expecting mother has other children, give her the gift of free babysitting at least once a week so that she can have a “mom’s day out” to do whatever she wants, even if it’s just resting at home and watching television. The child care help will also be a blessing on days she may have a prenatal appointment, too. Even if it’s only for a few hours, she will appreciate the “me” time she receives.

5. Moms-to-be need special attention directed just toward them, what better way than to treat her to a day of beauty? This day of beauty doesn’t have to be at a day spa. Depending on the woman, even a trip to a nail salon for a manicure and pedicure can be a well deserved day away from home and give her some much needed pampering. Hair salons are also a good place to spend the day getting the new mom a cut and coloring if she wants. Some hair salons are full service and offer manicures and pedicures that can be done while her hair is being done as well.

6. A mother’s ring, is a great idea for new moms, and mothers-to-be that already have children. Stones can be added as the family expands, and some mother’s rings even have names and birthdates of children that can be engraved in addition to the birthstones. This gift would be better for her closer to delivery, simply because by then the baby would be named and a birthstone will be determined. The date of the baby’s birth can be added later on, if the exact date is not predetermined by her doctor, as it usually is with scheduled cesarean sections or induced labor. Mother’s jewelry is not limited to rings. Bracelets and necklaces are also done with children’s birthstones and charms representing the children.

7. Not all gifts have to be bought online or at a retail chain. Find out what her favorite dishes are, and cook for her once or twice a week. Expecting mothers sometimes get swelling in their legs and feet, so being cooked for will give her time to relax and put those feet up. There are recipes for everything on the internet, so knowing how to prepare her favorite foods isn’t required. Just being able to follow a recipe will give her a great meal and some time to relax.

8. Massaging foot spas are inexpensive and will be of use even after the baby is born. Retail chains such as Wal-Mart and K-Mart sell massaging foot spas for about $20. The warm water soothes her feet while the bottom of the basin vibrates to massage them. She can add her favorite skin softener to the water to keep her feet refreshed and soft.

9. Buy or make her a basket with fruits and healthy snacks. She can place it on her coffee table or dining table and have something good for her and the unborn baby to munch on while she is home. Teddy Grahams, fig bars, and sugar-free cookies and candies are a few items she might enjoy in addition to fruit. You could also look up low fat/low calorie cookies and treats recipes on the internet and make them. Since so many diabetic and dieters recipes contain Splenda, the expecting mother will enjoy the treats just as much as the treats loaded with sugar. When a craving for sweets happens, she’ll be prepared.

10. Digital cameras are always a great idea for new mothers. She will love taking picture after picture of her baby and being able to email them to friends and family that may live too far to travel to see the baby regularly. Babies tend to change so much in a short time, friends and family will be able to share in this experience. Also, it will save the new mom trouble having to get film developed and driving to and from the photo shop with a newborn in tow.


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