Top Ten Gift Ideas for Practical-Minded People

Somewhere along the way, a lot of us bought into the spending hype that pervades the Christmas holiday season. We inadvertently fell for the calls from the television ads, Christmas catalogs, newspaper inserts and glossy magazine ads that lulled us into believing “this one particular item” is absolutely the best thing to buy. We also believed we had to buy the “in” thing or the expensive thing, to best show our friend or loved one just how much we care. We forgot that the gift-giving associated with the Christmas holiday is supposed to be an act of love, not necessarily an ax to the checkbook, or worse, the credit card. There are a growing number of people who are beginning to shy away from a lifestyle of over-abundance and material wealth, choosing instead to simply their lifestyles, declutter and downsize their homes and belongings. They are choosing more quality in their lives as opposed to quantity. Their focus is shifting from keeping up with the Jones’ to making a difference in the world around them. If you have someone on your Christmas gift-giving list that is making these kinds of choices, a practical gift will bring a smile to their face and the joy of knowing you took the time to select something that reflects their changing lifestyle. And you will have the satisfaction of knowing that the gift recipient is delighted with your thoughtfulness. Here is a sampling of practical gifts for the practical-minded people on your Christmas shopping list.

1. Wind-up alarm clock-many people are becoming conscience of the impact of their choices on our environment, including energy consumption, among the concerns. A wind-up clock does not use electricity, and often takes up less space on the bedside table. A wind-up clock is also a “quieter” light with its reflective numbering, instead of the intrusive red or green of an LED clock. Be sure to select a model that does not require batteries to be disposed of.

2. Basic pantry items-there are many staple items that make up the basics of our pantry. They are items which must be constantly restocked. An idea for a person who bakes might be some organic sugar, organic baking chocolate, a fancy vanilla extract, or a bag of locally milled flour, wrapped in a cotton dishrag. Or perhaps assemble a gift of premium coffee, flavored creamer, organic sugar and all-natural coffee filters. These are items that are consumable and usable in the kitchen, and would be appreciated as useful and practical gift.

3. Internet usage fees-the number of people who use internet continues to grow daily. A generous gift would be to pay the monthly fee for internet usage for a period of time.

4. Pay a bill ahead-How about a gift of financial relief? Maybe an insurance payment or pay ahead a utility bill for your gift recipient would be a bit of post-holiday relief for them.

5. Firewood-there are still a lot of homes with wood-burning fireplaces or woodstoves. You could have a truck load of firewood delivered as a gift. You could fill a gift bag with the makings for S’mores and a note with contact information to arrange delivery.

6. Stamps and other office supplies-everyone goes through stamps, notepads, printer cartridges, printer paper and other office supplies. Consider a gift of these kinds of items that your gift recipient can use for months after the Christmas holiday has passed.

7. Oil change-Routine maintenance is a must for vehicle longevity but is one of those things that get bumped to the bottom of the list many times. An oil change, a tune-up or a set of tires can take that off someone’s to do list.

8. Lawn service-with the number of two-income families out there, lawn care has become an activity that consumes our weekend time. What a way to encourage family time and weekend relaxation by giving a gift of lawn service for a season!

9. Bottled water cooler or delivery service-with the popularity of bottled drinking water, purchasing a water cooler for the home can save lots of money. If they already have a water cooler, you could arrange for a few month’s of monthly delivery or purchase a few tanks of water as a gift.

10. Charitable donations-for many, a gift of giving is the most thoughtful way to celebrate the Christmas holiday. You can make a monetary donation in the name of the people on your gift list to one of the dozens of charitable organizations out there. There are also many organizations where you can “purchase” a commodity that will help a family is a poor country: for example, a goat, or a water well for a poor community in a third world country, or a month’s worth of food to feed a family. Honorary gifts to charitable organizations are truly gifts that keep on giving.

You know your friends and family well. Think about their lifestyles and think of creative ways to show you care without adding another thing item to be dusted or tucked away. Try giving practical gifts this Christmas season!


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