Top Ten Gift Ideas for the Poet in Your Life

Your poet: that special person in your life that wanders through their day, making wordplay jokes, trailing their hands over the wall’s rough texture, staring endlessly out the window, and mumbling to themselves in sing-song scat. You know them, love them. But to buy them the perfect gift for the holidays, consider these suggestions. Chances are receiving one of these is better than a gift of chocolates or diamonds.

1) Common Resources – Thesaurus, Dictionary, Rhyming Dictionary

Check your poet’s library first because they will likely have one or more of these on hand. These can come in the traditional book form; in fact, sometimes all three listed are available as a set. Or splurge on one of the expensive full dictionaries because they contain information about the root words, etymology i.e. background of where the word came from and how long it’s been in use and other helpful but obscure facts that can enliven poetry. Or buy them a software package that provides the same services to help augment their word processor.

2) Not So Common Resources – Publication Guides; Dictionaries Dedicated to Topics i.e. Visual, Music Terms, Cliches; Field Guides; Guides to Poetic Forms

The list here can be endless. Check your poet’s library and know their interests. If they’re interested in cars, a mechanics handbook might come in handy. The dictionaries are often found in the writing resources section of the bookstore or are available through Writer’s Digest or other specialist bookstores. Field guides often tell more about the birds, mammals, plants etc. for a given region. Guides to Poetic Forms often provide information about how to build different types of poems including Haiku, Sonnets, and thematic type poems such as the memorial or political poem. The key here is specificity. Poets need to know the right word for the right poem.

3) Resources that Inspire – Art; Music, Meditation, Exercises

A number of resources are dedicated to feeding your poet’s spirit. Art books, post cards, and other visual cues may help them remember past events or feelings. Meditation guides such as tarot cards, runes, I-Ching, can help them delve into their memories and thoughts while relaxing. Music feeds a poet’s soul and can help establish the rhythm for the piece. A number of books help poets come up with exercises that get them in the mood.

4) Gift Card to a Document Services Company

This particular gift can come in handy when your poet has reached the critical first steps toward publication. A gift card to a company that provides copying, collation, binding can help your poet on his/her way to producing a bookmark, set of postcards, a self-published chapbook, or a supply of business cards. These can help aid their way to becoming known in their community and aid sales. Alternatively, a gift card for internet services might also be key.

5) Craft Software

Poet’s often like to treat their loved ones to samples of their work. They do this by composing birthday, Christmas, or other special occasion poems and using them to adorn cards, bookmarks, flyers and the like. A number of software packages allow your creative person to move into the multimedia world, combining sounds,

6) Gift Card for Craft Supplies

Self published poetry chapbooks, cards, and bookmarks require some craft supplies to make them unusual, special, and desirable to a buyer. Needed supplies can include ribbon, paper stock, stamps, ink, pens, glitter, and even needle and thread for self-binding. Creative minds need creative supplies.

7) Collections by Poet Laureate’s

Many countries including the United States as well as some individual states appoint poet’s to the role of Poet Laureate. In the United States they serve as consultants to the Library of Congress and advise how to popularize poetry. These poets are often quite talented and recognized by their peers. Your poet should read first class poetry as guidance to their own muse. Year’s best collections and other anthologies are good second choices.

8) Chapbooks by Local Poets

Poetry involves being part of the local community. An unread poem is a sad thing. To keep abreast of the full potential involved in writing an interesting, publishable poem, it often helps to know what your peers are doing.

9) Recorder – Camcorder, Video, or Tape

The sound a poem makes is as important as how it looks on paper. Giving a tape, camcorder, or video recorder can help your poet perfect their work, get comfortable doing readings, and is a neat way to have fun.

10) Subscriptions to Unusual Magazines

To get published, it helps to know which magazines publish which kind of poems. The only way to do find out is to read them. Subscriptions or just a copy or two purchased will aid your poet immensely.

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