Top Ten Gift Ideas for the Tight Budget

With the holidays approaching, our bills do not get put on hold. If you’re like the majority, you have trouble staying ahead, if you can even get ahead… so the holiday season has it’s share of ‘ba-hum-bug-gers’ and for good reason. It’s important to remember that you can give a good gift to even the closest friends without breaking the bank… in several cases a good gift can even be free, believe it or not. Here’s a list of 10 ideas, to motivate you that the holidays don’t have to be a bad thing!

10. If you have the time and the patience, make something! It could be a craft… out of clay or wood. It could be a painting. It could be a favorite flavor of cake. It could be anything crocheted or knitted (from a potholder to a purse to a scarf to a blanket, depending on your skill level with this hobby.) The point is simple.. I made this for you. Nothing says ‘you are special to me’ more than taking the time to make something for the person, and it is nothing too hard to include their name or a personal interest. However, it is advisable to stay away from the stereotypical reindeer sweater that no one will want to wear. (cost-supplies if you don’t already have them on hand)

9.Write a letter. It costs nothing, and if the person is a long distance away, it can be easy to forget them in your gift giving priority list. However, a nice handwritten letter is a wonderful thing to recieve in the mail. (cost-free… you don’t even have to buy a christmas card!)

8.Create a limit. If you have an exact idea of how much you are able to afford, figure out how much you are willing to spend on each person and you’d be surprised how quickly you will think of what they would appreciate within their spending limit. If you can find a gift for an unknown stranger for under $5 in a ‘secret santa’ program, then even a $2 limit will narrow your choices down enough for an easy decision, especially when you know who the gift is for. (cost-up to you)

7.Candles! Always a great gift, especially for the tight budget… and for a great idea refer to #10 and invest in some ribbin, or glitter, or jewelry wire... whatever you can to add a special touch. (cost-about $1/person)

6.If you can get your hands on a picture that holds a special memory without the persons knowledge… have it enlarged and place it in a nice frame to surprise them with. (cost-price of photo enlargement and frame. Up to you.)

5.If you are close enough to this person to have access to their house while they’re not home… leave some flowers on their counter and some cookies or wash their dishes... anything to surprise them. In some cases, it might even be appropiate to clean their house for them… but that can be a touchy or offensive thing and should be done only if you know it will be appreciated and not considered rude. (cost- nothing)

4.A kitten. Again.. .I stress that these are simply ideas.. and definitely not for everyone! Kittens are adorable and can usually be attained at no cost… but they are a pet. Not everyone wants a pet, they do cost money to take care of, as well as time and other things. This idea should be considered only if you know a pet would be a welcomed gift, and if you are willing to include a ‘starter kit’ with toys, food, litter/litterbox, collar, etc. (cost-price of starter kit)

3.Pay close attention to the person’s behavior before choosing a gift. Don’t waste money, especially even something in the area of $20 or more, on what ‘seems’ like a thoughtful gift if the person is having a hard time with bills, or groceries, or expenses. Giving cash as a gift is not always thoughtless, it can sometimes be the most thoughtful. If you consider it to be too impersonal, buy what the person needs. Groceries can make one of the best gifts, believe it or not. If you are reading this, and you have a tight budget, then I’m sure you do believe that if someone bought you something you needed you would be truly thankful. (cost-up to you)

4.Dollar stores are your best friend during the holiday season. This will be especially handy if you do anything similar to idea #
1. You’d be surprised how many great gifts can be found in a dollar store. (cost-$1+/person)

3.Clean out your attic/closet/storage room/under your bed. You’ll find several things you don’t really need to hang onto. Wether it’s old clothes that don’t fit, or gifts you received that you have no use for… it’s ok to give to someone you think would have a use or interest for. On top of that, it’s a great way to get some cleaning done! (cost-free. in fact the ‘cleaning out the closets’ feeling can be quite rewarding to you as well.)

2.If the person drinks, buy them a case of their favorite beer or a bottle of their liquor. If they smoke, buy them a carton, or even a pack, of their favorite cigarettes. If they fish, buy them a pack of fishing lures. you don’t have to spend a lot to give them what they really want! (cost-variable)(Last but not least, my own personal gift giving style, and it includes almost every single idea previously mentioned. )

1.GIFT BASKETS!!!!!!!!! You don’t have to use a basket. Be creative. You can find all you need at a dollar store, and set the limit you want to spend. (cost-up to you, minimum $3/person including ‘basket’… although it’s a nice touch to add decoration as mentioned earlier with the candles.

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