Transient Ischemic Attack or Mini Stroke

Transient Ischemic Attack or Mini Stroke

A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a stroke-like condition that brings on symptoms similar to a stroke, but only last a matter of minutes, usually dissipating within an hour. If these symptoms last more than twenty-four hours, it is usually categorized as a stroke. Reversible ischemic neurological deficit (RIND) is used to describe a transient ischemic attack that lasts over twenty-four hours, but subsides within thirty-six hours. Transient ischemic attacks brought on when there are changes to the blood supply in particular areas of the brain.

The symptoms of transient ischemic attacks vary greatly from case to case, depending on person and section of the brain affected. There are some common symptoms that most frequently. These symptoms include: amaurosis fugax, which is a temporary loss of vision; aphasia, which is a difficulty in speaking or comprehension, though not a complete loss of speech; hemiparesis, which is a condition that causes one side of the body to be numb, and paresthesia, which can show as complete numbness or the tingling of body parts, much like ‘falling asleep’, and again, this usually affects on side of the body. Just because these symptoms are the most common and frequent, this is not to say that every person will experience them. If any transient ischemic attack symptoms show, medical attention should be sought quickly. A clinical test, called the ABCD2 score, can be used to help determine the risk for a stroke within two days of having a transient ischemic attack. The ABCD2 score of a patient can be scored as follows, according to The Lancet, an international journal of medicine:

  • Age at or above 60 years = 1 point
  • Blood pressure at presentation at or above 140/90 mm Hg = 1 point
  • Clinical features

unilateral weakness = 2 points

speech disturbance without weakness = 1 point

  • Duration of attack

at or above 60 minutes = 2 points

10 to 59 minutes = 1 point

  • Diabetes = 1 point

Interpretation of score, the risk for stroke:

  • Score 1-3 (low)
    • 2 day risk = 1.0%
    • 7 day risk = 1.2%
  • Score 4-5 (moderate)
    • 2 day risk = 4.1%
    • 7 day risk = 5.9%
  • Score 6-7 (high)
    • 2 day risk = 8.1%
    • 7 day risk = 11.7%

The causes of a transient ischemic attack are much like that of an ischemic stroke, which is one of the most common types of strokes. The blood being supplied to the brain is blocked by a clot, but in a transient ischemic attack, this clot is only temporary with no permanent damage done to the patient. A common underlying cause of a transient ischemic attack is usually atherosclerosis, or the thickening of an artery wall due to the build up of fatty substances like cholesterol.

As with most health issues, there are certain risk factors associated with a transient ischemic attack. Some of these risks cannot be changed, but are helpful to be aware of so other aspects of a patient’s lifestyle can be altered to help reduce the overall risk. These non-changeable risk factors include such things as: age, the older a patient is, the more at risk they are, especially over the age of 55; a family history of attacks or strokes; sex of the patient since men are at a slightly higher risk that women are; and race since strokes are more prevalent in blacks. There are other risk factors that a patient can change or help to prevent, though. These changeable risk factors include such things as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, cigarette smoking, heavy drinking, inactivity or lack of exercise, poor nutrition, obesity, and diabetes.


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