Transitioning from Working Mom to Stay at Home Mom

I am a stay at home mom of three crazy… I mean, amazing children. Not always, though. I worked as an administrator in full real estate. It was a typical Monday through Friday grind type of job with ok pay and ok benefits. However, I wanted more.

When worked from home, my dream was to be firm enough to stay -home mom to my, then, two children I had the memory of my mother home with my sister and I was young and I was at home every day when we came home from school. I wanted to be there for my children, so my mother had been there for me. I didn’t want to miss any of those important milestones that I felt I was missing as a working mother. I’m not here to declare a winner in the battle for stay-at-home moms versus working. I’ve been on both sides of the fence and I can honestly say that it has its benefits and challenges. I didn’t think I would be financially able to be a stay at home mom or for my family to become one Staying at home< /a> is full time.

When I conceived my third child, it became clear to me that a stay at home mom was not only one of my dreams, but also one that made more financial sense. The rising cost of daycare and after school programs combined with the loss of commuting and other costs of working outside the home made it even more difficult. than imagine adding another child to the financial mix.

My husband and I seriously sat down and discussed the pros and cons of mom stay-at-home full time. We knew we had to make the transition from me working full time being a full time home buyer to providing all of our belongings. we should have and decide what we really need and what we can get rid of. We were surprised to see just how much junk we could get rid of financially. Staying at home also automatically took a big chunk out of our monthly expenses. We knew we wanted to have a cushion of savings to allow for a smoother transition financially. In the months leading up to me leaving my job, we dropped a little months. small savings so we could have that cushion. It hasn’t always been easy, but planning our finances up front has helped make things a little easier now that I’m home full time.

I love being a stay at home mom, even though I’m not always a piece of cake. Chances are, as the children grow, I will return to work and enjoy the fruits of my labor. home again For now I enjoy being at home with my children and knowing that everything has been prepared for my transition makes it easier for me to enjoy this time all the more.

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