Tween Birthday Party: The Sleepover

Tweens are at that awkward age…no longer children but not quite a teen. When it comes to birthday parties, it may be a little bit harder to figure out what exactly they want. They are likely to still want the attention and gifts of their birthday parties from yesteryear, but don’t want to come off as being babyish. You can always ask, but you may get the shoulder shrug with a mumbled “I dunno”. If your tween daughter is at a loss, suggest a Girls Night Sleepover.

Invitations for a sleepover don’t have to be dramatic. You can create your own on Microsoft Word using clip art and a special font. Have your tween help in the design and layout of the invitation. If your child is computer savvy, as most tweens seem to be these days, they might even be able to do the whole thing themselves. You can always go the easier route and purchase store bought invitations, but having them create their own also creates a more personal touch. On your invitations make sure to let your guests know that it is a sleepover and pajamas, sleeping bag and pillow (if you don’t have extras) are required. Also set specific drop off and pick up times, or you may have someone their longer than you intended.

Decorations can be kept to a minimum with this type of party. Perhaps just enough balloons and streamers in the color of choice to give it a festive party

Party favors for this type of tween birthday can be fuzzy slippers, a small pedicure set with a bottle of nail polish, lip gloss and trial sizes of lotion. Get ideas from your daughter as often as possible. She may have a better idea on what will be a big hit and what will be a miss.

Activities can include giving the girls a spa pedicure and/or manicure in your home. Look around on the internet to find different ideas on giving pedicures and manicures. You will also find recipes for foot soaks and sugar scrubs to help smooth out any rough spots if you can’t find any available to purchase. Have a few popular shades of nail polish to choose from and let the girls pick their own. Buy a few of the latest teen magazines so your daughter’s guests will have something to look at while they are getting pampered and they will also have celebrity gossip to pass around. The girls will consider this pampering a wonderful treat and it will also give them time to talk “girl talk”. In addition to the pedicure and manicure, you can also rent “chick flick” movies suitable for their age group. Have your daughter help in picking out which movies they might like to see. Pick several so you have something to fall back on if the party seems to stall at any time.

Refreshments are also easy for a sleepover. Order a few pizzas with their toppings of choice and they are usually happy with a bonus benefit of keeping your kitchen time to a minimum. Its also a good idea to have snacks on hand for when they get the munchies. Snacks such as potato chips, popcorn, brownies and soda are usually a safe bet. Since it is a birthday party, a birthday cake is a must. If you’re planning on ordering a cake, see if the bakery can transfer an edible picture of your birthday girl onto the cake. If this can’t be done, consider ordering a frilly, frothy sugared confection masterpiece to go with your tween’s girly night in, or make your own.

To be on the safe side, be sure to let the parents of your tween guests know what the activities will be and make sure they have no personal objections. What may be standard in one house may very well be taboo in another. It’s also very important to get a list of any allergies of your guests from their parents.

Its important to let your tween have as much input as possible. After all, it is her party and she’s old enough now to make a lot of her own choices. It also creates many bonding moments for you and your tween birthday girl as you go through the planning stages together. Most importantly, let her and her friends have fun and take a few moments for yourself to remember that special day years ago when your birthday girl first came into your life.

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