Type 2 Diabetes and the Atkins Diet

I can remember the day our family doctor told us that my husband had developed type 2 diabetes. We were totally clueless at what caused this condition or how to treat it. Our doctors scheduled my husband to go see a nutritionist and recommended he purchase the Atkins Diet book to help control his type 2 diabetes.

After going to the nutritionist and getting their diet schedule, we were dumb founded as to what it involved. He had to eat 6 very small meals a day, most of which consisted of ¼ of a cup of this and a ½ cup of that and so many ounces of meat or fish and a bite of something in between. This was not a very practical diet plan for a working person who ate when you were able to take a break not when the diet plan told you to eat. This diet was not going to work at all for my husband and his schedule.

Thankfully the doctor understood my husbands schedule and recommended the Atkins Diet book. The Atkins diet consisted of lowering the carbohydrate intake to control the body’s insulin levels. At first glance this diet did not seem all that restricted. Our biggest hurdle was to figure out what had carbohydrates and what did not. Fortunately there are a lot of books on the market today that have complete lists on what the carbohydrate content is on almost all foods, even restaurant foods. The Atkins book seemed to be pretty thorough as to type 2 diabetes and how to eat properly to control it.

After doing even more research into the Atkins diet were made a personal decision not to follow the extreme restrictions that was recommended in the book. My husband would lower his carbohydrate intake but not as low as was recommended. He knew he would not stay with the plan at those low carbohydrate levels. Plus he was not going to consume all the fats and proteins that were allowed. We traded the fats for more vegetables and safe fruits such as musk melon. The biggest hurdle for him was the sodas. My husband liked Mountain Dew and Pepsi. Trading his sodas for other options such as diet sodas did not set well, so we did away with sodas all together. He did like his tea and coffee and soon began to like fresh water.

We also started to do more physical activities. He started to incorporate a daily walk whenever possible and taking the stairs instead of the elevator. We just gradually made some lifestyle changes.

After just a few months, my husband’s sugar levels were back to normal levels and he kept his levels maintained. He also lost 50 pounds and looks and feels great. The doctor has taken him off his type 2 diabetes medication and we still follow the Atkins diet closely. I too have lost 20 pounds and feel better.

Our brush with type 2 diabetes has almost been a blessing in disguise and the Atkins Diet Plan was a huge assistance in setting us on the right path. I do not know if this is right for everyone but it sure has pr oven to be right for us.

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