Types of Mouth Inflammation and Disease

There several type of mouth inflammation but the most common causes of inflammation of the mouth are:


Thrush or candidiasis is characterized by creamy-white, curd-like patches anywhere in the mouth, caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. Adjacent areas are red and swollen, and the white patches can be scraped away leaving a raw, bleeding surface. Candida is normally present in the mouths of about 30 per cent of people without doing any harm. Overgrowth only occurs when general body resistance has been lowered by another illness, overwork, worry, malnutrition or immunosuppressant drugs. Overgrowth also occurs when the balance of the microorganisms which normally inhabit the mouth is changed, for example, when taking blood-spectrum antibiotics. It is also common in babies. The acute attack is rapidly improved by anti-fungal drugs such as nystatin used as an oral suspension, but if the predisposing conditions continue to reduce body resistance, the infection tends to recur after the treatment has ceased.

Aphthous ulcers

Aphthous ulcersare shallow, whitish, very painful ulcers surrounded by redness, in the mucous membrane lining the mouth and tongue. They are not caused by any infective or chemical agent, and seem to occur when a person is under stress. They are not serious and usually heal in one or two weeks, although they do tend to recur. There is no specific treatment, though hydrocortisone is an adhesive base does ease the pain and promote healing. Other soothing paints and lozenges are available.

Vincent’s infection

Vincent’s infection(ulcerating gingivitis or trench mouth) is an acute inflammation of the gums, accompanied by fever, bleeding and pain. The cause is unknown, and it is not probably effective. It tends to occur in association with other infections or illnesses, and with poor hygiene, alcoholism and malnutrition.

Ulcerative stomatitis

It is an inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membrane which lines the mouth and tongue. There are several causes: the herpes simplex virus, drug reactions, allergies, blood diseases and some skin diseases.

Periodontal disease

Food, bacteria and calculi between the teeth can cause inflammation, sometimes with pus formation (pyorrhea) and bone erosion. Symptoms are often minimal but, if left untreated, abscesses may form and the teeth may loosen and fall out.

Tooth abscesses

Tooth abscessesoccur at the apex of the root and are caused by dental decay (caries) and injury. They are extremely painful. Antibiotics are administered in the acute stage, followed by either root canal therapy or tooth extraction.


Leukoplakia is a whitening and thickening of an area of mucous membrane usually caused by a persistent irritation, as in pipe smoking. It may become cancerous.


Glossitis is inflammation of the tongue, which is characteristically red, smooth and painful. It is associated with many diseases, for example malnutrition, anaemia, general infections, drug reactions and chemical irritations.

Mild, non-specific inflammation of the mouth is caused by acute or chronic irritation of many types, and also may be caused by cold, heat, chemicals, tobacco smoking, spicy food, ill-fitting dentures, or continuously sucking sweets.


Essentials of Pathology for Dentistry

Author: RFT McMahon & P Sloan, Pages: 33 – 38, Published: Aug 2000

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