Vampire Love in Movies

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, I’m going to discuss my favorite vampire love stories from the movies. They may not be your traditional love stories, but they contain a lot of traditional elements – boy meets girl, boy and girl annoy each other (due to their differences), boy and girl have an adventure together, then boy and girl realize that they love one another; but there’s just one little complication – a least one of them is a vampire!

One of my favorite vampire love stories is Twilight which was directed in 2008 by Catherine Hardwick and is PG-13. Who can’t resist teenage vampires in love? There are misunderstandings and adventures galore and the two protagonists, Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Bella (Kristen Stewart) somewhat mirror the leads in Bella’s favorite Shakespeare play – Romeo and Juliet. Edward and Bella are your typical high school juniors except Edward has a secret – he’s a vampire.

Bella (who is a very nonjudgmental and accepting young lady) is willing to overlook this, and they fall in love. Yes it’s sappy and a bit contrived, but there is a dash of adventure when Edward and his family attempt to save Bella from a predatory vampire. All in all, it is a good story.

Love Never Dies.” This statement has never been as true as it is in Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992). Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, Dracula is rated R and takes its storyline directly from Mr. Stoker’s classic novel. In this story, Jonathan Harker (Keanu Reeves) is engaged to Mina (Winona Rider), but before they can marry, there is one piece of business he must attend to in Transylvania with Count Dracula. While completing his work, Jonathan shows a picture of his beloved to the Count. And wouldn’t you know it; Mina is a dead ringer for the Count’s long lost love, Elisabeta.

Now although he goes about it in the wrong way, one can’t help but feel for Dracula (played wonderfully by the talented chameleon actor Gary Oldham) and feel a bit sorry for him. For instance, when Dracula has the chance to possess Mina, he does hesitate for a moment. However, good triumphs over evil in the end. The costumes are scrumptious, but the backgrounds definitely have the feel of a set, however, from the first ominous musical notes, you’ll be hooked.

Now although it is probably regarded more as an action adventure fantasy, Underworld (and Underworld: Evolution) does have a wonderful love story at its core. Underworld (2003) was directed by Len Wiseman, is rated R and stars Kate Beckinsale as Selene and Scott Speedman as Michael. Selene is a vampire assassin at war with the lycans (werewolves) who comes across Michael, a human who needs her help as he is being stalked by the lycans. During the course of the story, Michael is bitten by a lycan and Selene is betrayed by those she is fighting for and realizes that Michael is the only one she can trust. Part of this trust involves her biting Michael, thereby making him a hybrid – half vampire and half lycan. Along the way, Michael is able to break through Selene’s crusty exterior and the two fall in love.

The love that they have for one another is highlighted in Underworld: Evolution (2005) which is also directed by Wiseman and also rated R. The costumes are very much leather and medieval looking although the movie appears to be set in the not so distant future. The special effects and stunts are great and the two leads have good chemistry.

So if you’re in the mood for a movie involving vampires in love, you can’t go wrong with any of the above films.


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