Venomous Snakes of Southern Illinois

Southern Illinois is known for the Shawnee National Forest and for the variety of outdoor activities available from fishing and hunting to hiking and water sports. While enjoying outdoor activities it is important to be aware of any venomous creatures of the area. Notice that the comment is be aware of them not run and scream away from them or kill them or try to pick them up. This in particular applies to the snakes.

In Southern Illinois there are four species of venomous snakes: the cottonmouth, the timber rattlesnake, the copperhead and the Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake.

These four poisonous snakes bear live young. They all have a pair of hollow fangs. Their eyes are catlike with a vertical slit. Their heads are triangular, and they all have a sensory pit between their eyes and the nostril.


Cottonmouths can be found by big rivers and in bottomlands and swamps. Therefore it is possible to see Cottonmouths when boating or fishing or swimming in Southern Illinois. Cottonmouths have thick large bodies. The back of the cottonmouth or water moccasin snake is yellowish or rusty brown with reddish brown hour glass shaped cross bands with dark margins. The cross bands are narrow across the back but wider on the sides. When a Cottonmouth feels threatened it will take an aggressive pose and open its mouth to reveal a puffy white mouth interior.

Timber Rattlesnakes of Southern Illinois

Timber rattlers are mainly located on the bluffs along the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. Hikers and rock climbers in Southern Illinois need to be careful and cautious about where they step and/or place their hands.

One key to identifying a Timber Rattlesnake would be the presence of a rattle. Generally the snake is tan or yellowish with dark brown markings along the body. The markings appear like blotches near the neck area but more like bands near the tail. Behind each eye is a dark stripe. Sometimes this snake may have a rust stripe down the middle of the back. The body is thick and these snakes can be up to sixty inches long.


Copperheads are found in the southern half of Illinois. They prefer rocky wooded hilly areas. While biking or hiking or visiting wooded areas of Southern Illinois again it is important to watch where you step and/or place your hands. The Virginia Herpetological Society has a composed an excellent quick pictorial test to help identify Copperheads.

Eastern Massasauga or the Swamp Rattler

The Massasauga Rattlesnakes are rare but can be found in the swampy bogs or prairie type of environments in Southern Illinois. The identifying characteristics of the Swamp Rattler include a rattle or horny button on the tip of the tail, nine symmetrical plates on the head, sensory pits, a triangular head and cat like eyes with elliptical slits. They are a medium sized snake with a light brown or gray back that has light edged brown or black blotches going down the middle. Along the sides of the snake are three rows of alternating blotches. The bellies of the Massasauga are black with irregular markings that can be white or yellow.

Snow Snake

One final snake to be aware of in Southern Illinois is the Snow Snake. It is white with dark coal-like eyes and sticklike fangs. While it is particularly annoying to some, it is relatively harmless unless of course one decides to pick it up and throw it. Throwing a snake is never recommended. This snake is rarely seen and is only seen in the winter but it can be a beautiful thing to behold. The snow snake illustrates the primary creature that when visiting Southern Illinois one must be very careful to avoid at all costs as it leads to the creation of more just like it – tall tales, especially ones about venomous snakes.

Venomous snakes in Southern Illinois are not aggressive, but if you harass them or aggravate them they may strike back. If bitten by a snake seek professional help.

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