Vicks Vaporizer Reviewed

The doctor told you that you need to get a Vaporizer for your sick child. However, you walk into the store and are presented with quite a few to purchase. Now you might not know which ones will work best for your child and that is a hard choice to make. I know that I have purchased two Vaporizers for my kids to use. I have purchased one that is meant for kids and works out really great.

The one that I found works best for my son is the Vicks Vaporizer with Night-light. Now this is a great vaporizer for use with children. Here is my review of the Vicks Vaporizer with Night-Light from my own experience of my son using it. Now this Vaporizer has many positives and very few negatives that I have found.

Now the first positive that I found with this model that my son has is that it has a child proof lid. Now this can be challenging as my husband can attest to because while setting it up in the dark room he did not know this and was trying hard to open it without waking our son up. This feature though does help keep our son out of the vaporizer water supply.

The next positive is that the steam that this unit produces is cooler than some of the other models that I have tried. The coolness of the steam keeps him from burning himself if he does start messing around with it. I know that he has messed around with it in the past because he will have it moved to a different spot in his room, but because of the cooler steam he does not get burnt by it.

With this model a positive is you can put the medication inside the vaporizer if you purchase that type. Now with our other model that we have for our daughter you cannot do that. So being able to put the medicine inside the vaporizer helps keep the medication in his room without me having to worry about him getting into it.

The drawback that I have with this model is that it does not seem to product a lot of steam. Now this is a minor issue because the steam that it does produce works really well for his room. In his room I have never found the walls to be dripping with water, unlike in his sister’s room with her vaporizer.

Another drawback that I found with this model is the water capacity seems to be a lot smaller than advertised. I know I take a one gallon pitcher and it totally fills up the vaporizer even to the point of being over the maximum fill a little bit.

I would have to say if you are looking for a vaporizer for your kids this is a great model. The steam that it produces is great, the child proof lid works great, and you can put the medication inside of the machine. The drawbacks are the steam production does not seem to be as great as I would have expected. That and the capacity do not seem to be as large as what the box said. Overall I would recommend this product for use with kids, but if you’re an adult you might want to look at a different vaporizer for your own use.

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