WARNING: HPV Vaccine (Gardasil) is Unnecessary and Unscientific!

Merck & The group is lobbying to make “immunization” against cervical cancer possible for both boys and girls 11 to 12 years old. Remember that this form of cervical cancer can only be contracted sexually. If it passes, this will surely result in billions in sales for the pharmaceutical leader.

A few months ago, very few women knew anything about Human Papillomavirus (HPV). At best, there was general consensus that it could result in abnormal pap smear. Then he began the slow, brainwashing process of educating women about the fact that they could be infected with HPV, and not have any. and those. Within a few months almost every woman was wondering if cervical cancer are at risk.

Here is what it is:

A national television campaign started a few months ago featuring several women stating that they don’t know how the virus caused cervical cancer, and you, (including millions of female viewers) can have it and not even know it. that To speak of fear, he seeks all in the name of science.

However, one must wonder: why would a population of million women say they have something may, a silent deadly virus that causes cervical cancer, and they don’t even know it? In a post 9-11 world, why would someone scream bomb on a boat?

With the help of the actors in a national advertising campaign, with the blessings of the FDA and the FTC, with the help of heavy hitting politicians and government officials who hold the stakes in the company (certainly there is no judgment to be made here) why not Merck shout “bomb” or in this case “Cancer!”

On Saturday, February 3, Texas Governor Rick Perry signed an executive order to make the HPV Gardasil vaccine just released for all girls before entering the sixth grade.

How can this happen when there are still doubts about its effectiveness? The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) states that Merck’s clinical trials do not prove that the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is intended. It is safe to give to girls to prevent cervical cancer and genital warts.

The FDA allowed Merck to use a potentially reactive aluminum-containing placebo as a control for most trial participants, rather than a non-reactive placebo saline solution. A placebo effect can artificially increase the appearance of safety of an experimental drug or vaccine in a clinical trial.

For example, if we wanted to test the safety and effectiveness of coca-cola on teeth, we would use water as a control or comparison. In Merck’s clinical trials, they decided to use another soft drink (which of course manipulated the data).

Gardasil contains 225 mcg of aluminum and, although aluminum has been used as adjunctive vaccine for decades, it has never been tested for safety in clinical trials. Merck and the FDA did not disclose how much aluminum was in the placebo.

Behold, what a terrible thing thou dost.

Almost 90% of Gardasil recipients and 85% of aluminum placebo recipients reported one or more adverse events within 15 days of vaccination. In addition, pain and swelling at the injection site occurred in approximately 83% of Gardasil and 73% of aluminum placebo recipients. Sixty percent of those who received Gardasil or an aluminum placebo had systemic adverse events including pain, fever, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, and myalgia.

The point here is that it is too little too long given the safety and efficacy to recommend Gardasil for universal use, especially for general use.

The last thing about HPV

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