What Are Indigo Children?

The Indigo Children are one of the last and greatest of the New Age to sweep the nation mad. The concept of Indigo Children has been around since the 1980s, but had its first real breakthrough in 1999 in a book entitled Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived, written by Jan Tober and Lee Carroll. Since then the movement has gathered a lot of steam, partly due to recent media attention, including the 2003 movie titled Indian. The word “Indian Boy” refers to the color of the wind, which in turn is thought to define his personality. Tober and Carroll claim that a host of Indian Children have unusual psychological attributes. These attributes range from the specific (self-impressed, intuitive, telepathic, fearless) to the non-special (technologically advanced, wise beyond their years). Indian children are supposed to usher in a new era of peace, understanding and developed consciousness.

Tober and Carroll also state that many Indian children with ADD are misdiagnosed (attention-deficit-disorder”>attention deficit disorder), and I recommend that parents do not medicate such people.

The Indian Children website has a list of ten attributes that best describe an Indian child. Check each attribute and see if you are lucky enough to have an Indian child.

-They come into the world with the feeling of royalty (and often act like this

Hmm…that’s a very subjective statement. What does it mean to “act” like royalty? Is it expected that you are expected to have hand and foot? Perhaps they represent the affinity of insanity and cleavage. Babies are certainly adorable like kings and queens, but every baby, even those who aren’t, is telepathic.

-They feel that they “have to be here” and are surprised when others do not share it.

By “here” I suppose the earth is meant. I would also be surprised if I met someone who felt that they did not deserve to live on earth.

-Self-esteem is not a big issue. Parents are often “who they are”. they tell

I think it applies to all children. Self-worth and social learning is something that is learned, not something that someone has inside.

– They have a problem with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).

Also, that he is not a child, nor should he try to challenge the authority of his parents. Heck, I even hate absolute authority. Maybe Im an Indian Baby

These simply will not do certain things; for example, it is difficult for them to stay in line.

Another open-ended, subjective statement. At this time, the statement actually contradicts itself, saying that the Indian Children will not do certain things, stating that sometimes it is just difficult for them. Notice also that the pattern is boring, like standing in line. They are more disgusted to see “Indian children do not want to eat ice-cream, pizza or any other delicious food item. They also hate

-Cassetes that are ritually organized are frustrated and do not require creative thought.

Like maybe church and school? Children complained about similar things after an early hour.

– They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and at school, which makes them like “system busters” (non-conforming to any system).

Prefer to be in the sound sciences? Morale better? All children can recognize the faults of the adult world. We adults are cheating, lying, and often incomprehensible creatures and emotions. Sometimes there are also phenomena of bull-shit in selling books.

-They are seen as antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no other like-minded people around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other person understands them. School is often very difficult for them socially.

Finally, the argument cannot be refuted. But wait, it cannot be substantiated. Hence we know that said child does not suffer from any neuro-biological condition such as autism. Should teachers assume that the Indian child is a product of disorder, or even abuse?

-They will not respond to “blame” training (“Wait until your father buys a house and what do you do”).

Guilt must be learned again.

-They are not afraid to know what they need.

Who is the boy? What the parent did not have to do with the crying of the child in the grocery stores is that the parent usually allows it. have something?

Congratulations, based on the above list you most definitely have an Indian boy, and you are quite lucky. I am one too, and so is my roommate. We’re all just standing around waiting for our telepathy to kick in.

People are free to believe what they want, and free to try and convince others of their beliefs. I’m not mad at or attacking most forms of organized religion, so why am I attacking the beliefs of Indian Children? Because the opinion of the professional doctors was ignored, therefore. Even if I don’t agree with the analysis of Indian Children, don’t ignore the doctor’s advice. If you fear that your child may be overmedicated (ADD is a hot button topic), then consult several doctors instead of just one. Doctors and pharmaceutical companies have been getting a bad rap in the last couple of years, but the fact is that the drugs they create and prescribe have saved or improved the lives of hundreds of millions of people.


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