What Causes Bleeding from the Ear Canal?

Earaches are a common symptom that usually indicates an ear infection. They can cause a lot of discomfort, but they usually go away without treatment for more than five to seven days. However, ear pain with bleeding from the ear canal is usually a sign of a more serious condition ‘perforated eardrum’. A perforated or ruptured eardrum may feel like ear infection ordinary pressure'” at least up to a point. When exposed to pressure that exceeds the ability to accommodate, The most common cause of a perforated eardrum is an infection involving the middle ear based on the film it handles< /a>, leading to a severe ear pain with temporary relief after the rupture since the pressure is adequate. Unfortunately, the ear is now open to viruses and bacteria, increasing the risk of even more serious infection. of the inner ear.

Other causes of pierced ears are loud noises, sudden pressure changes or scuba diving, and rupture from objects stuck in the ear. This is why it is important not to use a q-tip or other object to remove wax from the ear canals. Not only does it push the wax further into the canal, but it also increases the risk of painful rupture.

What are other symptoms of ruptured ears?

In addition to bleeding or bleeding from the ear canal, a ruptured eardrum can make the sufferer experience vertigo inner ear involvement. May be hearing loss or abnormal noises in the affected ear. These are all the signs of an accurate evaluation necessary to prevent permanent hearing loss.

What should you do if you suspect a perforated Eardrum?

Go to the doctor as soon as possible. If you can’t make an immediate appointment, go to the emergency room. A ruptured eardrum is usually seen using an otoscope, the instrument your doctor uses to check for ear problems e, but small tears are to be missed. If no one is seen, but a perforation is still suspected, a test called a tympanogram can be done. This test can detect small holes and tears that may be missed on a visual exam.

How is it going?

Fortunately, ruptured eardrums repair themselves over several weeks” due to the body’s amazing ability to repair and mend. It is important to keep the ear canal clean and clear of moisture while it is healing. If the perforation does not heal after several weeks, surgery may be needed to repair the skin tear from the other side of the ear.


Harrison’s Textbook of Medicine

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