What Causes High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is often the result of a process of the body’s lack of fluids.

The circulatory system is designed to meet changes in blood volume, and the demands of various tissues, by restricting or expanding some of the veins as needed.

When body fluid volume is down, the main veins should restrict themselves. If the tubes are left too wide, blood cannot fill them and creates gaps that are filled by gas, instead of blood.

The circulatory system constantly adapts to the body’s changing needs. For example, when we eat, most of our blood flow is directed to the digestive system, by capillaries elsewhere in the body, in accordance with the priorities that programmed the body. If we did not drink enough water before eating, the blood that eventually re ached the heart (after passing the liver ) would be too thick.

In case of shortage of body fluids, the body has pre-programmed priorities for distributing blood. Generally, the brain, lungs, liver, kidney and endocrine glands on the muscles, bones and skin have priority, but if there is a specific requirement of the systems (such as continuous effort of certain muscles), they receive priority in the blood supply.

To adjust to water scarcity, the body regulates the supply of water at its disposal in accordance with its priorities. In this case, it takes 66 percent of the body’s water from the cells, 26 percent of water taken from outside sources and 8 percent of blood volume taken from other places. The blood system has no choice but to shrink the volume of blood vessels accordingly. The process starts shrinking capillaries in less active parts of the body.

The more capillaries shrink; the more it is necessary to contract the body, to exert more pressure so that blood can flow. Increasing pressure is expressed in high blood pressure, that we can measure.

Capillary activity ultimately dictates the total volume of blood. The more you exercise, the the more your capillaries will open and will hold more blood. To fix high blood pressure, exercise has two important advantages:

1. Wider blood vessels, creating less resistance and thus enabling lowering blood pressure (or at least prevent the rise).

2. Have more body fluid reserves in case of thirst.

The amount of water we drink regulates the amount of water inside our cells.

The amount of salt we consume regulates the amount of water held in the intracellular fluid.

The body must maintain homeostasis at all costs. Therefore, in situations of lack of water, or lack of minerals – mineral water will be taken from anywhere possible, to ensure the stasis of the blood does not change.

Contrary to accepted notion, that is what determines the metabolic processes. Materials dissolved in the blood (various nutrients, particularly minerals) determines the amount of fluid in the body (water).

When the body detects a lack of fluids, one of its last options to prevent the escape of water is by raising the level of sodium. It makes it so that more water remains, enabling the body to provide the vital cells with the level of water they need.

Regular medicine sees excess sodium as a cause of high blood pressure. Doctors give patients diuretics to get rid of excess sodium (and usually also recommend a low-sodium diet) – which increases the internal dehydration. At this stage, a patient usually feels a dry mouth and wants more to drink.

Taking diuretics does not allow the body to overcome the problem of lack of fluids, and the body had to continue to function in emergency mode. Changing materials does not solve the fundamental problem of high blood pressure, but mainly causes the body to want more water and salt (as well as damage to the kidneys).

That is why, after a while, the material variables are no longer sufficient. Then, physicians give patients more drugs to stabilize their blood pressure (which can cause irreversible damage to the kidneys).

Water is the best diuretic, and the correct initial treatment for high blood pressure is drinking enough water (provided that the kidneys are functioning properly). If increasing the amount of drinking water also increases the amount of urine, the kidneys can withstand more drinking.

If there is a shortage in water (such if you take diuretics), the last thing that allows the body to hold fluid is salt (sodium). It can cause edema. Edema fluid may contain many toxins that the body could not get rid of.

The recommendation is to gradually increase the amount of water intake, and make sure that the same time there is an increase in urine.

Gradually increasing amounts of water intake allows the body to the emergency exit of the absorption of fluids, and to excrete more urine with toxins. Increasing the amount of water will help later on if the heart, and blood vessels around the heart, were suffering from the ongoing shortage of liquids.

More tips about preventing and lowering high blood pressure;

• If at all possible, avoid caffeine (found primarily in coffee, tea, sodas, and various drugs).

• One cause of many cases of high blood pressure is a high concentration of cadmium in the kidneys. This metal comes in galvanized iron water pipes. To prevent the arrival of cadmium in drinking water, replace the iron pipes or plastic pipes. Drink water from a purification facility using reverse osmosis technology. In some cases it’s recommended (and sometimes even essential) to do a kidney-cleansing process after replacing the plumbing or water purifier installation.

• Emotional stress is a major cause of high blood pressure. Implementation of various techniques for preventing or reducing stress may greatly help.

• Blood vessels tend become narrower, even in situations of arterial calcification. The main cause of this arterial calcification is excess acidity in body fluids. So eating small amounts of simple foods may help in lowering blood pressure. It’s desirable to minimize eating and not to eat too much sugar or processed grain (especially white flour).

• For those who are overweight – a drop of even a few pounds may contribute to a significant reduction in blood pressure.

• Currently, accepted optimal blood pressure is 120/80, and the upper limit of normal is 140/90. An article written by Prof. Paul Roche, president of the American Institute of Stress, argues that randomized medical research on lowering blood pressure with medication to 140/80 has never been shown to reduce the risk of dying from heart disease. On the contrary, the best-known study, which lasted for 10 years, examined more than 13,000 people’s risk. The control group received standard treatment, and the test subjects received drug therapy, whose aim was to reduce their blood pressure below 140/90. The goal was accomplished, but mortality in this group was higher than in the control group. It’s reasonable to assume that if they try to reduce patients’ blood pressure to -120/80, mortality would be even higher.

• In 90 percent of cases, the cause of high blood pressure is unknown.

• If the test found high blood pressure, you should ask your doctor to recheck after 15-20 minutes, sit or lie down, and try to relax. In many cases the first reading shows high blood pressure due to stress related to the circumstances of the test.

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