What should a good manager or leader do? What kind of manager do you want to work for? As a new manager, what can you do to improve your performance? These are some of the questions that I will address throughout this article. I know we all have different thoughts on what kind of management style makes a good airline and you, as a person, would like to work for. Although many of us like a manager who is “nice” or gives “good reviews”, this does not necessarily make for a good leader or manager. Often it is not the person’s fault if they are not good at team performance, it is often just because they have not received effective training and support to succeed.
Let’s look at the definitions of manager and leader for a while. The definition of a manager by Merriam Webster is: “a man who directs a team”; now let’s look at the direct word. To direct means: “ to order, urge, watch .” Essentially, then, a manager is one who must order, act and watch. about the team To me this means that the manager is just trusted to control us and the oracle, as we each work towards common organizational goals. So many stalls just shout orders without considering that the teams are actually doing the work and that their job is to meet the goal. In an article I read by Beth Mirza, the following quote makes just as much sense: “ We cannot do to people what they can do to themselves. Give employees the information they need to make decisions—remove the excuse of ignorance—and then follow through. Now’ Let’s look at the word leader. According to Merriam Webster, a leader is one who has the power or authority to do things with all types of management, there are some key elements that I feel every manager should have and retain the best employees who want to work for them.Manager and Leader will be used synonymously in this article.
Interpersonal relationships: This goes both ways. You need to cultivate relationships and relationships between teammates and look forward to your relationships with your employees by showing respect, trust, caring about who your employees are as a person and their needs, and giving them your full attention. We want to say, above all, that you must be a “man-man” and that must be evident in your actions.
Communication: This one is “biggio” and is often very subjective with many employees. A good manager will keep all of his employees in the loop about any business decisions or changes made at all times, especially when it affects their role in the organization. Even more, if applicable, the manager should ask his employees for input or ideas before decisions are made. There are many business decisions that your own employees can provide good suggestions or even a different opinion that was not considered. Managers should not only communicate in writing, but be visible, approachable (especially “open policy”) and proactive with completely with his teams.
Building Your Teams: It is very important, in a management position, to be able to effectively lead your teams. and give them comfort that they may be well and that they may help you to accomplish your business objectives. With the team he knows he has strong support and leadership to tend to be more productive, creative and efficient.
Understand the Financial Statements of the Business: As a manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that you understand the mission statement proposed by your organization, set financial goals, and effectively measure and document your team’s progress in order to achieve those goals. are completed
Create Positive Morale and Recognize Good Work: As a good manager you are expected to provide a good work environment and your employees need recognition for a job well done. If the worker feels good about his environment, knows what is expected, is recognized for his work, they will be Happy employees and work is difficult to please their manager.
Lead by Example: To be a good manager, you must set a good example for your teams.
Helping People grow and develop: To me this one thing is important. All employees need encouragement and support to advance their education and pursue personal goals. Some employees may not be happy or productive in their current situation and that does not necessarily mean they are not potentially very good employees. an employee may just need to encourage someone to learn the necessary skills that allow them to move into a better position or that fits their personality. The manager can offer online classes (if the budget allows) to earn certifications, send the employee to seminars or workshops in the area of interest, or just eligible and flexible if they are already going to an accredited college to obtain a higher degree.
There are many “key things” to being a good manager, but these are some of the key elements that are necessary to gain the respect of your employees. No matter what type of management you complete and how comfortable you are, remember to pay attention to what your employees want from you so that they can be successful as well.
During my research I also found a great site that offers online training to help you achieve that “great manager” goal and one that everyone is happy to work with. The website (www.mindtools.com) is an excellent reference for people who are new to the position or just need to refresh their skills< /a>.
Being a good manager requires initial training for success and continued training for the long course of your career. This website is a great place to start or use in conjunction with school training. Mindtools.com has different price levels depending on what is affordable for you or your organization. You can access a lot of information for free. You have full access to many articles on Leadership Skills, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Management Management, Creative Creativity, Time Management, Stress Management, Information Skills, Communication Skills and Memory Improvement. For example, under the Leadership Skills tab, the available sections consist of: Introduction, Leadership Motivation Test, Leadership Motivation Tools, Information Collection, Building the Power of Experts , Task Design, Leadership Styles, Resolution, Mission and Vision Statements, and Successful Delegation. If you pay a full membership to the Mental Health Tools Excellence Club, you have access to tons more in those forums, over 350 skill building articles, downloadable training packages, regular coaching and much more. The initial subscription for an individual has a 1st month cost of only $1.00 to explore, then it is $19.00/month after that or you can even have more resources for $27.00/month.
Mind Tools also has a corporate package that will give you full access to management and productivity skills. Some of the things that are included in this package: Structures Skills Development (to be adapted to individual needs), wealth (to be developed in depth management competence), Experience-led across key skills areas, Get support from a global community of management excellence, a vibrant and dynamic environment with fresh daily stimuli, full support and an exceptional cost-effective package. This package is only $199/year or less (depending on how many employees) and is a great way to help managers and leaders keep their skills up to date. This corporate package is available for a free trial period if you want to check it out and see how it can help your organization.
As you can see, being a good manager actually puts in the effort, initiatives and constant training to be truly successful in this career. Is he a good manager of your passion? If I remember this much, you are truly in control of your life; don’t wait for others to offer the training you want, get out and get out!
“Essential Skills for Excellent Defense”, accessed 12/20/2008
Copyright 1995-2008. http://www.mindtools.com
“Seven Tips For Management Success”, by Susan M. Heathfield, accessed 12/20/2008.