This article provides a very brief overview of what the term “organic”, as defined by the USDA, means. For more information follow the links at the end of this article as a starting point. Many people do not know what it means when food is labeled as organic. This article is a good overview and introduction to organic standards. It’s nice to be done!
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA>).
(Source: USDA, “About USDA”,, 2011.)
USDA’s mission is: “We provide food, agriculture, natural resources, and related issues with sound public policies. /a>, the best science, and efficient management.” The USDA was formed in 1862.
Organic Foods production Act of 1990 (OFPA
The ” National Organic Program: Background Information” from the USDA website, 2002 and 2008. )
The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, when passed by Congress, required the USDA to develop national standards for agricultural products to be produced organically. These standards confirm consumers who have met organically produced products meet “constant and uniform standards”.
What does USDA Organic mean?
(Text from “National Organic Program: Organic Production and Handling Standards” from the USDA website, 2002 and 2008.
Note: these standards refer to production processes and do not measure anything that is actually produced.
Crop signs
1. The land used to produce organic crops must not have prohibited substances in it for at least three years.
2. Crop fertility and nutrients will be dealt with as follows:
a. culture
b. cultural practices
c. crop rotations
d. crops
e. they add;
I animal waste material
II. harvest waste material
III. although synthetic materials
3. Crop pests, weeds, and diseases using the king;
a. physical controls
b. mechanical controls
c. biological control
d. Where these are not sufficient, this must be used;
I biological
II. botanical methods
III. tested synthetic substances
b. ionizing radiation
c. sewage sludge
Animal signs
1. Animals must be sacrificed;
a. under organic management from the last third of the birth
b. for chickens raised under organic management no later than the second day of their lives
2. When they are bred by grazing cattle, it is necessary;
a. use 100% organic agricultural feed
b. you can also use vitamins and mineral supplements
3. Animals for dairy must;
a. to be treated organically for at least twelve months
4. Animals must be raised organically;
a. not to be given hormones to promote growth
b. antibiotics should not be given for any reason
5. To keep animals healthy;
a. Preventive management practices should be used
b. it must be a vaccine
c. the treatment of a sick animal should not be detained
d. if a prohibited drug is used, the animal cannot be sold organically
6. All animals of this kind must be considered organically;
a. access to the exterior
b. access to pasture nutrients
c. He cannot enter for a time;
I health
II. health
III. stage of animal production
IV. protection of the soil
v. protection of water quality
Handling signs
1. All non-agricultural ingredients used must be on the list of permitted synthetic and prohibited non-synthetic substances.
2. It must be drawn;
a. do not mix organic with non-organic products
b. keep organic products prohibited from contacting substances
3. In any process the product is labeled organic;
a. All agricultural ingredients must be produced organically
b. a non-organic ingredient may be used if it is not commercially available as organic
National Organic (NOP)
(Text from “National Organic Program: Background Information” from the USDA website, 2002 and 2008).
The National Organic Program (a USDA program), which was initiated by the National Organic Board (NOSB), was created to implement the standards set by the NOSB, which established standards for organic food production in the 1990s.
In the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
The National Organic Program (NOP)
The National Organic Book Program
Organic Food Production Act of 1990 (OFPA of 1990)