What is Almond Milk?

For many years, when someone said “milk,” it was assumed that that person was talking about dairy milk. But with the recent swing toward healthy living and raw foods, and the increase in food allergies, a number of milk alternatives are now available and in the spotlight. One of these milk alternatives is almond milk.

Almond milk is a substitute created, simply enough, by combining finely ground almonds and water. It can be easily made at home by combining the two ingredients in a blender (a number of “recipes” are available online). It has a light, nutty taste, and is sometimes flavored with chocolate or vanilla.

Almond milk has been used since the Middle Ages. It was deemed by Christians as suitable for drinking during Lent, as it was derived from a “vegetable” (the nut is the seed of a fruit). It was also used in many Medieval recipes because it kept longer than dairy milk and did not require cold temperatures for storage.

Almond milk is in the spotlight today for a number of reasons. One is the Raw Food Movement. Raw Food supporters do not cook foods, as they believe cooking takes away a food’s highest mineral and vitamin content. Almond milk can be made simply by soaking almonds in water in the refrigerator for one day, then putting it through a blender and straining. (It should be noted, however, that many almond milk recipes call for the almonds to be roasted or boiled.)

Almond milk is also excellent for people with dietary restrictions or some food allergies. It is lactose free, and has very little, if any, saturated fat. It is high in protein and low in carbohydrates, and free of the antibiotics and growth hormones some people fear milk-producing cows are injected with. One drawback, however, is that people trying it must make sure they don’t have a nut allergy.

Almond milk is also very nutritious. Almonds are one of the healthiest foods you can eat – they are rich in calcium, magnesium, vitamin E, selenium, copper, manganese, and potassium. Almond milk is low in calories compared to dairy milk and other milk alternatives.

Almond milk can be used as a milk substitute in baking, as well as for preparing smoothies – just make sure you use unsweetened almond milk.

The biggest problem with almond milk, other than the nut allergies, is that it is not cheap. Almonds are expensive, and that not only drives up the cost of pre-made almond milk, but makes homemade almond milk much more expensive than regular dairy milk. Many argue that for the same nutritional value, a person is better off just eating almonds.

Overall, almond milk can be a very nutritious alternative for those who cannot drink or do not like dairy milk, but it can be pricey.

Sources: “Almond Milk,” Wikipedia
“Soy Milk, Rice Milk or Almond Milk: Which is the Best Alternative Milk for You?” sixwise.com
“What is Almond Milk?” wisegeek.com
Kristie Leong, MD, “The Amazing Benefits of Almond Milk,” healthmad.com

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