What is Dressage Horse Back Riding?

Dressage is a French word that means training. For a rider to have the ultimate attitude after years of training and hours of practice, the horse and rider must move as one, using the knees or bit to communicate gentle pressure. Dressage is sometimes referred to as ballet on the horse, and rightly so.

Dressage is not quick to learn, either for the rider or the horse. Dressage is learned in a logical, step-by-step progression from simple to more and more complex movements and takes an enormous amount of patience from horse and rider. The finely tuned band is simply poetry in motion.

Here’s what you’ll see if you ever have the power to go to a dress-up contest.

There are two sections in competition, as in ice skating. There are forced exercises and then a free class that is performed by musicians, which is specifically choreographed for the theater and must contain specific movements.

This is what to look for in the race.

Extensions: Extensions are usually done when the horse is walking. When a horse trots, it has diagonal legs at the same time, that is, front and left right, then left and right front and rear. When the horse is asked to stretch, it stretches gradually and should appear to move effortlessly around the arena

*Lateral movements When making lateral movements, the horse goes first and then when the staff is commanded to move laterally or transversely. The transition should be effortless and smooth, almost imperceptible.

The horse is ordered to turn pirouettes in the singer’s circle. The singer is walking three steps and is the fastest dressed in a dress. The horse steps like this: Canter Right-Lead: 1st arm to beat, 2nd right / left front arm, 3rd right front leg. Left Lead Canter 1 beat the right arm, 2 beat the left arm / right front 3 beat the left front leg. Think of the singer’s complexion combined with movement in a tight circle, and you will understand the great difficulty involved in this movement.

Escaping Changes. To perform this movement correctly, a highly trained horse is necessary. The singers lead the horses around the area on the right and must change to the left lead without effort. The change is smooth without breaking stride.
Piaffe This is one of the hardest movements, think of it as a man jogging in place, only four for two legs. And between the movements the horse must be suspended in the air, that is, all the legs off the ground. Try jogging in place and keep two feet on the ground in between steps. Not as easy as it sounds. .

Position: This is a slow trot, or a bunched up group meaning the rider has to control the ball with the kidneys to control the speed. The horse must go perfectly in a straight line.

If you watch the Olympics, you will see dressage at the top level, but if there are horse clubs in your area, check them out and see if they are competing. Now that you have a little knowledge about the game, you will be able to enjoy it even more. See if you can pick a winner.

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